A card-based layout for linkding
linkding for SearchLink
Archive linkding bookmarks to local Markdown
Marky 2.0
Cookiecutter: a Planter alternative
Planter 3.0
Updated: generate slick changelogs from Git commits
SearchLink with improved bookmark and history searching
Speed up development with Howzit templates
Binbundle: A gem for saving and restoring gem binaries
Easily save and restore all of your gem executables
Marked 2.6.39 with Streaming Preview fixes
Obsidian Callouts in Marked
Markdown Lipsum v2
Text Blaze shareable folders
A Markdown Lorem Ipsum API
The Developer Nation Survey 27th Edition
Man, I should have started Conductor with filters
I can't believe I forgot this Conductor filter
Conductor filters simplify basic operations
Marked 2 and Obsidian
Conductor fixes and improvements
Introducing the Marked Conductor
CurlyQ and automated JavaScript execution
On using a CDN
Automating the Dimspirations workflow
Revisiting TagFiler and Vitag
Build a custom URL shortener
Convert nvALT RTF files to Markdown
Checking for a VPN connection part 2
Checking for a VPN connection from the command line
Screenshots with CurlyQ
Introducing CurlyQ, a pipeline-oriented curl helper
JavaScript Lyric embed for SearchLink
Updated Bitlyize Service
Weather forecasts for SearchLink
A few Ruby snippets for scripters
Multi-keystroke keybindings
macOS keybinding tricks: the repeat count binding
macOS keybinding tricks: The kill ring
Ruby Regexp::scan with MatchData
mdless with document transclusion
mdless gets all the colors
mdless updates for Thanksgiving weekend
mdless 2.0
Halp: Universal help for Fish
SearchLink gets Google Search back
Searchlink, not just for searching
SearchLink Fixes
iTunesIcon updated
Automating the giveaways
Marked and Bear
Historical weather for Journal CLI
Journal updates with weather types and conditional questions
Journal and integrations
More na updates
Important Journal CLI updates
Journal, a CLI for journaling
A bit more na work
Some na updates and new commands
Convert RegExRX native files to Markdown snippets
Snibbets 2.0.34
Doing with multiple sections
Some Ultimate Hacking Keyboard configuration tips
NiftyMenu update for Ventura
Static blogs and Mastodon
Markdown to Bike conversion
Snibbets plain text code snippet manager reborn
Syntax highlighting is fun, and you won't believe this one weird trick
I forgot about the Titlecase API
Find which of your favorite apps are on Setapp, revisited
Howzit with named variables
Gather 2.1 with saved presets
Increment Templated Service/PopClip update
PopClip extensions and modifier keys
I completely refactored SearchLink and now I should probably stop
SearchLink -- better searches, better results
SearchLink -- browser history, bookmarks, and Pinboard
SearchLink 2.3 -- improved inline search for Markdown writers
SearchLink goes to the movies (and other updates)
Marked 2.6.18 with 100% less jitter
Comment Flags Service with long options
na with a global file
na can now edit your actions
na with saved search
na as a TaskPaper query tool
Managing Ruby Gems using Homebrew
Homebrew and /usr/local/bin on M1 Macs
Revamping na (Next Action CLI)
Gather, Shortcuts, Bookmarklets, and Paywalled Content
Gather to nvUltra
Gather on Homebrew
PopClip WebMarkdown fix and other codesigning adventures
Read2Text is now Gather, your new Markdownifier
PopClip extensions: WebMarkdown fix
Hook and SearchLink
Getting started with Howzit
A better Shortcuts command for Bunch
howzit got gemified
Project Updates July 2022
Bunch 1.4.8
Terminal output with ALL the colors
Bunch: Focus Modes and other tips
He's Doing it again...
Keybindings cheat sheet for Dash
A fuzzy cd command for Fish
Git better with fzf and Fish
Bunch 1.4.6
Doing 2.0
Revisiting appinfo: Mac app details from the command line
See what you're "doing" in the iTerm status bar
Just your average project update and wellness check-in
A Keyboard Maestro macro for cross-linking Markdown docs
Howzit gets templates
Custom URLs for your Synology with Namecheap
A new Jekyll plugin for handling beta documentation
BetterTouchTool Touch Bar followup: Zoom buttons
Let's get crazy with BetterTouchTool and Touch Bar Simulator
Doing (more) with more tags
A Jekyll plugin for documenting Mac keyboard shortcuts
Bunch 1.4 is here
A Bunch update, and a Sublime Text package
Improvements for the Increment Templated Service (+PopClip)
Some updates for howzit, Markdown notes for your projects
Hacking around with Marked's Streaming Preview
Rewind: Quick reminders in Terminal
Scripting with sudo on Mac
A GitHub Stars widget for WordPress
SearchLink gets a bit more social
Prettier comments for flags and switches
The latest on the Bunch beta
A Service to make Objective-C "description" methods easier
HardWrap extension for PopClip
LinkChecker: a bookmarklet for web writers
Another round of Bunch Updates
And then there were interactive Bunches
Bunch Updates
Remove the proxy icon hover delay in Big Sur
Hook 2.0 and updated CLI
Dealing with leftover Zoom tabs in the browser
Progressive builds for Deckset
Bunch and the Stream Deck
Podcasting with Bunch
Bunch gets audio control
Get instant code examples with LaunchBar
Solving RVM and OpenSSL issues with Homebrew
A CLI for Hook.app
The next big thing for Marked 2
A quick SearchLink update
Markdown Service Tools v3.0
Marked 2 as an even better teleprompter
Automating NiftyMenu
Brace expansion and sequences in Fish
Markdown and code snippet management
All Fish, all day
NiftyMenu 1.0
Scatterbrained: Revisiting the "doing" CLI
Launching the iOS Simulator without Xcode
Soundtrack - experiments with Spotify, Apple Music, and Last.fm
Bunch 1.2.2
The IndieWeb and Webmentions
SearchLink: Checking your work
SearchLink: Next Steps
tm: wrapper for tmux, redux (with Fish tab completion)
SearchLink Basics
All my Fish functions
iTerm and the Find pasteboard
Using howzit as a task runner
Fish: further exploration
Howzit: Remember how what you work on works
Fish (shell) fun: event handlers
Branching out from Bash: Fishing expedition
Bunch 1.2: no more redundant Bunches
mdless one dot oh my
Shell Tricks: a random selection
Bunch's latest abilities...
Scripting Mac display brightness
Bunch and Timing.app
Bunches LaunchBar Action quick fix
NiftyMenu, Mac menu madness
Bunch for the menu bar
Better Bunch for LaunchBar
The latest Bunch stuff
Another day, another Bunch
Bunch gets its own URL scheme
Bunch 1.0.4 with URL schemes support
Launch AND quit apps with Bunch 1.0.2
Bunch, a batch app launcher for your Dock
Did your Hyper key break?
So you got Setapp... make the most of it
Creating shortcuts for Mac symbols in HTML
sizes: better disk usage reporting in Terminal
Using htaccess to provide better Open Graph images
Keeping track of all your projects' build systems
Amazon affiliates and automated contextual snippets in Jekyll
Stuff I've made (and actually use)
Lucky Charms, a light color scheme for Sublime Text
Shell Tricks: instant wildcard directory search
PopMaker 0.3
The new, improved StyleStealer for Marked 2
Shell Tricks: Toggling Dark Mode from Terminal
Yet more new keybindings for macOS
Setting up a non-root Git server on Synology DiskStation
PodTagger 1.1
The XML Data Liberation Front
Shell Tricks: Autocompleting system sound names on the command line
VidWipe - Delete 'em all
KillZapper - Click to Kill web annoyances
A few keyboard helpers for AppleScript
A drag and drop PodTagger for easy MP3 podcast tagging
Shell Tricks: quick start scripts
Shell Tricks: what to do when you can't do internet
Cheaters 2.1
Automated web image workflow, part 1
More TaskPaper fun with Keyboard Maestro
SearchLink 2.2.8
Another Product Hunt bookmarklet update
A MailMate command for SaneBox SaneAttachments
Task management for coders
macOS KeyBindings for SearchLink
An update to PopMaker extension generator for PopClip
A few new shell tricks
Logr: logging/debugging utility for Bash scripts
iTunesIcon 2.3
Updated Mail vacuuming script
Markdown Service Tools 2.16
Tagging files from the macOS command line
seconds: CLI for quick time interval calculation
styleStealer: add your web design to Marked with a click
Automatic release notes from Git commit messages
Regarding punctuated tags
Hyper Key Vim-style navigation with Karabiner Elements
appinfo: get app details quickly in Terminal
Macstock 2017 and a Spotlight tip
Multi-app wikis with the ExtraInfo Service
A Hyper Key with Karabiner Elements, full instructions
Full Hyper Key functionality restored in Sierra
SearchLink and Markdown Service Tools updates
PodTagger: automatic ID3 tagging for podcasts
nvALT 2.2.7. Everything'll be fine.
Natural language dates anywhere with Keyboard Maestro
nvALT 2.2.6 (124) because 123 is never enough
nvALT 2.2.5 (123)
TabLinks 3.0
A better Hyper key hack for Sierra
SearchLink 2.2.3 with Apple Music searches
nvALT 2.2 take 2.2 (one more time, with feeling)
OK, nvALT 2.2 take 2
nvALT 2.2: bugfixes, Sierra compatibility
CSV to MultiMarkdown table update
Product Hunt bookmarklet update
A new Markdown Service Tool for easy MultiMarkdown tables
Quickie bookmarklet for Product Hunt
Shell Tricks: halp -- a universal help tool
Easy retina image serving with Apache rewrites
Shell Tricks: shorten every line of output
Shell Tricks: list files with most text matches
Better YouTube thumbnail images
Slogger with Day One 2
Quick reminders from Terminal
Workflows for animated GIFs
Updated GIF tag plugin for Jekyll
A Hyper Key that can still YELL
The TitleCase API
iTunesIcon 2.2
Bookmarklet: Clean highlighted code for copying
Shell Tricks: Quick line numbering
Shell Tricks: convert file urls to UNIX paths
Vacuuming Mail.app on El Capitan
Swearing politely with TextExpander
Similarity bookmarklet update
Grab sibling links with the Similarity bookmarklet
Quick and dirty JSON validation in Cocoa
SearchLink 2.2.2
Share all your browser tabs at once
mdless: Better Markdown in Terminal
A Jekyll plugin for animated GIFs
Markdown Quicktags lives again
ExtraInfo+ for TaskPaper, now with Wiki Links
Shell Tricks: .inputrc binding fun
CodeReminder: don't forget to play
Paragraph unwrap update for Markdown Service Tools
Marked 2 cheat sheet for Dash and Cheaters
Popup URL previews for Yosemite
MMD QuickLook 1.2 with TextBundle support
TextExpander 5 JavaScript snippets
The Marked 2 URL Handler
Logging snippets for Sublime Text
A launchd post scheduling system for Jekyll
A universal clipboard command for Bash
Modifying Jekyll post data with inline tags
OS X shell tricks: speaking in tongues
Movie quote lipsum for TextExpander
Intrepid command line directory traversal
A Bash function for finding your Bash functions
Shell tricks: sort a Bash array by length
MultiMarkdown Quicklook plugin 1.1
Easy embedding of Google web fonts
Titler 1.1.0
Sketch cheatsheet for Cheaters
Shell trick: printf rules
Titler: instantly add page titles to URLS in your text
Keybindings for multiple clipboards
Reiki, a fix for my convoluted Rakefiles
Inverter for Ãœbersicht, bi-polarize your widgets
Vitag 1.0.2
Exporting Safari Reading List to Pinboard and/or Markdown
sizeup: tidy filesize information in Terminal
Vitag: batch Finder tagging from the command line
A couple of Marky fixes...
Preview the OS X clipboard in Terminal
oTask 0.2.3
GitHub TOC Service 0.2.0
Solve command line mysteries with 'type'
Invoking PopClip on an existing selection
Safer command line paste in iTerm 2
SearchLink 2.2.0. Awesome.
Automating OS X Automator scripting
Bytes: file size conversion Service
The MatchData object in Ruby gsub blocks
Bitlyize 1.5
Answered: save your StackExchange discoveries
Ãœbersicht hacking
A Spillo bookmarklet
Keybindings that everyone should have
Loadbar for Ãœbersicht
Shell tricks: A time to kill
ezsnippets for Marked 2, text expansion on the fly
Shell tricks: the OS X open command
Shell Tricks: man pages
Shell tricks: Changelogs with Git
A Sublime Text selection primer
Custom export options for Marked 2
Making cd in bash a little better
TagBak, tag backup and restore
bookmark-cli: OS X bookmark data for scripters
Mavericks tags and coreutils, a warning
A GitHub README table of contents Service
Speedy note taking with concurrent topics
Marker, Grablinks, and Bullseye fixes
Fast, fuzzy directory navigation for Tag Filer
Even better random filenames
(Potentially) funny random filenames for Bash scripts
Marked 2 sneak peek: bookmarks and navigation
Mirror your MindMeister maps to nvALT
tmux even easier: tm with fuzzy completion
up: fuzzy navigation up a directory tree
MultiMarkdown upgrades for Marky the Markdownifier
PopMaker: a PopClip extension generator
Making my tmux life easier
Bash and Dash
Folderize - Sync nvALT notes to nested folders
spl, a CLI for Spotlight searches
Bitlyize link shortening OS X Service
My favorite Xcode plugins
Thinking in the shell
SearchLink fixes (2.1.2)
OTask OmniFocus CLI is back (for now)
SearchLink 2.1.1: blogger friendlier
doing 0.2.5
Sum: PopClip extension
A Service for getting sums from selections
Dash docsets from MultiMarkdown
Logging Git commits with doing
doing gone wild
A couple of followups to "doing"
Scatterbrains 3: a new tool for doing
A Notehub CLI
GeoHopper and iBeacons for proximity scripting
Link cleaning extensions for PopClip
A Jekyll CDN with CloudFront
Quick Tip: caffeinate your Terminal
Remote pbcopy on OS X systems
SearchLink 2.1
Automating dynamic date math in TextExpander
iTunesIcon 2.1 with easy icon sizing
Quick Tip: Automating your Mac's wifi power
An updated Increment Templated Service
Cheaters 2.0.5, cheating gets easier
Custom Processors in Marked 2
Cheaters 2.0: more and faster
Open Together notes in Marked
A Service for creating Marked indexes
nvremind update with IFTTT fun
Markdown Service Tools and UTF-8
SearchLink 2.0
Twitterify Popclip Extension
SearchLink 1.8 is the new Auto-Link Service
2013: My year in review
TL;DR, a jQuery plugin for bloggers
Using Marked 2 as a teleprompter
TagFiler updated
Scripting podcast and screencast prep on a Mac
A GeekTool Time Machine progress indicator
Web Markdownifier for PopClip
Quick Tip: Tag Filer without Hazel
Marker: Web selections to Markdown
Automatic filing with Hazel and Mavericks tags
Icon Grabber updated to search any platform
MailMate and OmniFocus, productive hacking
More languages for the GeekTool Weather geeklet
Command line bar chart (for GeekTool, et al)
Planter 2.0 with Mavericks tagging
Bash completion for Mac app aliases
Save Pocket favorites to nvALT with IFTTT and Hazel
"Lazy" Markdown footnotes
Mavericks tags, Spotlight and Terminal
Speedier file tagging in Mavericks
TextExpander and Lorem Ingsoc in Wonderland
Top RAM processes Geeklet Mavericks fixer upper
Markdown Service Tools update for Mavericks
TextExpander tools updated for Mavericks
"Lazy" Markdown reference links
A Markdown Service to strip Markdown
A better SearchLink fix
A SearchLink MAS stopgap
Sidecar13 - for the little guys
Yes, I spend too much time tweaking PopClip
Editor and CriticMarkup extensions for PopClip
A guided tour of brettterpstra.com
Using Growl for long-running script status
It's a blue period, but with PopClip instead of paint
Easily save that wicked awesome shell command
PopClip hacking
Too many wrappers - a PopClip Extension
jTag: Auto-tagging for Jekyll
Clickable wiki links in the nvALT preview
Scripting TaskPaper, mind maps, outliners and other fun
Converting Markdown to a mind map
Searchlink 1.6 update
Weather Geeklet, now in Russian
Bullseye 0.3
CopyPLUS for PopClip
Comment extension for PopClip
Precise web clipping to Markdown with Bullseye
Bash image tools for web designers
When a file just can't be mdfound
A hard-working lazy YouTube plugin for Jekyll
Slogger gets oAuth, Twitter starts working
GrabLinks: One more time, with feeling
Grablinks bookmarklet 2.0
Thumbnail icons for Delish bookmarks
Saving batches of links from web pages
A fix for the Auto-Link Web Search Service
Sidecar 2.1 adds positioning
nvALT 2.2b 106
nvremind + Day One and more
SkypeCall extension for PopClip
Sidecar 2.0
nvremind Reminders.app bollocks
nvremind: Automatic reminders for nvALT
Natural Language Date Service 1.3
Marky the Markdownifier, reworked and refined
CriticMarkup in Marked 1.4
Sidecar 1.5
Experiment: Send to nvALT links
Sidecar 1.4
Sidecar 1.3, now in Technicolor
Planter 1.3 with File Templates
Sidecar 1.2
Cheaters for Alfred
Who loves music and 27-inch monitors?
Linking to specific cheat sheets in Cheaters
Most popular blog posts and other new shiny in Slogger
Instantly grab a high-res icon for any iOS app
Natural Language Date Service update
Synchronizing Screen Savers between multiple Macs
TextExpander iOS Markdown fix for Drafts 3
WordPress to Jekyll: handling redirects
Gaug.es fun for Slogger and GeekTool
Cheaters cleans up its act, gets a date with Siri
Fun with intelligent 404 pages
Customizing the nvALT preview
A few more of my favorite Bash aliases
A multi-purpose EDITOR variable
SearchLink 1.5 with Amazon search and affiliate linking
SearchLink gets a little smarter
nvALT 2.2β 104
Auto-Tagging Jekyll posts with Zemanta
nvALT Tag Search for Alfred 2 update
nvALT Tag Search for Alfred 2
A Link Bundler Service for Bit.ly
More command line handiness
Slogger update and BlogLogger fix
An in-progress custom site search project
More Markdown for PopClip
An Inline Footnote Service redux just for Gabe
Footnote utilities for the Markdown Service Tools
New in the Markdown Service Tools: in-place Markdown to RTF
Site versioning with Jekyll/Octopress
Markdown Service Tools 2.0
nvTagNavigator 1.1 with automatable tag indexing
GMail in the shell
nvTagNavigator: a tag panel for nvALT
˙uʍop ǝpısdn sı plɹoʍ ǝɥʇ 'oN ¿ǝW
Triggering tasks remotely with notifyutil and launchd
beengone: a script-friendly way to check computer idle time
Quick Tip: Jumping to the Finder location in Terminal
Every last Systematic show link
jQuery Fiddler for LaunchBar
A guided tour of my Hyper key shortcuts
A downloads manager for Jekyll
Services for quickly opening iTunes and MAS links
Jekyll tag plugin for responsive YouTube video embeds
Scheduling posts 2: the Rakening
Scheduling posts with Jekyll
Restore Save as... everywhere
Clip Text File: more surprisingly handy dumb tricks
A "Web Excursions" system for static blogs
The next nvALT 2.2 beta is here!
Markdown Service Tools updates and fixes
Scripting Jekyll image "uploads"
An easy visual alert for your staging site
More languages for Weather Geeklet
Services vs Keybindings
Mass creating TextExpander snippets
Previewing Jekyll posts with Marked
OpenURLS PopClip extension
Planter for LaunchBar
A useful Caps Lock key
Markdownify extension for PopClip
Slogger tags and other developing stories
Jekyll plugin for quick "donate" buttons
Day One tags, Slogger lags
Next Actions CLI updated, time to meet the parents
Emmet for Cheaters
A couple of new TextExpander snippets
Coughbutton 1.3 (with 100% more Skype)
WordPress to Jekyll: converting gallery shortcodes
Turn your iPhone into a cough button
Markdown link format conversion on iOS
SearchLink: automated Markdown linking improved
External linking for nvALT notes 2: nvWikiLinker
External linking for nvALT notes: Part 1
GitHub tip: easily sync your master to GitHub Pages
PNG to JPEG and how I loathe ImageMagick options
Markdown Linking Services with the Google API
Search your Pinboard bookmarks with Launchbar
All the news that's fit to Slog
Planter: Tree planting for your filesystem
In-place CSS cursor changes
Easy command line Github Flavored Markdown
Matrix(ish): a bash script with no practical application
Vacuuming your Mail.app index still works wonders
Slogger 2 is up, wanna pitch in?
Lucky Duck
New TextExpander tools for bitly and CloudApp
Quick Tip: Checking for modifier keys in shell scripts
Social Logging by any other name would have a better name
Launching your entire Dock at once
A drop-in growlnotify replacement for Mountain Lion notifications
Mountain Lion Notifications from Terminal with terminal-notifier
Overthinking it: fast bundle ID retrieval for Mac apps
Geeklet: Multilingual Weather and Forecast
Fixing virtual hosts and web sharing in Mountain Lion
More automated logging: Gists
Quickly restarting apps with LaunchBar (and friends)
wp_mangler, scripted post modification for WordPress
nvALT and Marked on Mountain Lion: A-OK
A warm, fuzzy, file-finding feeling
Quick Tip: system-wide notifications with notifyutil
searchFocus, the most useful bookmarklet I've ever made at 3:21am
A template-based incrementation Service
OmniFocus Clipper for Chrome
Sublime MarkdownEditing, now with 100% more blue cursor
Lest I forget: a catalog of recent code endeavors
TextExpander Tools updated
More Marky love for nvALT
My custom Quix commands
Marky the Markdownifier, reintroductions
Bash completion for defaults domains
Desktop cleanup scripts for screencasting
Git logger revisited
LinkSmasher updated, works once again
Markdown Editing for Sublime Text 2: humble beginnings
Scatterbrains: git as biographer
Natural Language Date Service update
New text navigation KeyBindings
Desktop countdown timer with GeekTool and AppleScript
Marked 1.4 is go
Proximity hacking
Sparkup System Service, HTML shorthand everywhere
iOS text editor comparison update
Experiment: CSV to MMD tables with color coding
MultiMarkdown Quick Look with Style
Marked 1.4 Teaser
Dropbox Collection Service fixed
A Service for sharing Dropbox link collections
Cheaters: customizable cheat sheet system
nvALT 2.2 public beta
Automating TaskPaper to Day One logs
Log TaskPaper archives to Day One
Markdown Service Tools get blockquotes, self-links and more
Auto-pairing for MarsEdit and TextEdit using TextExpander
TextExpander tools for AppleScript editing
Unwrap Paragraphs for the Markdown Service Tools
Markdown Service Tools 1.3
Introducing Gather, a Cocoa Markdownifier
Connecting nvALT and Address Book
ScrivWatcher, one more time
ScrivWatcher droplet, an easier live Scrivener preview
Preview a full Scrivener document in Marked, live
A Service for writing MultiMarkdown footnotes inline
iOS-inspired popup box CSS
System Service: Clip to Day One
Logging with Day One, geek style
Scripting Readability and Markdownify for clipping web pages
Desktop Quotes Geeklet
A simple but handy Bash function: console
Markdown QuickTags 0.8 for Christmas
Running a website with VoodooPad
na: per-project todos in Terminal
A little KeyBinding sanity
Quick Tip: repeat Cocoa text actions, Emacs/Vim style
"Open URLs" Dropzone Destination
KeyBindings: new, improved "surround" commands
Marked scripts: nvALT, Evernote, MarsEdit, Scrivener
The keys that bind: KeyBinding Madness part 2
Geeklet: Top RAM Processes
The MindMeister Markdown Showdown
Stained: Simplify Jacket
Scatterbrains 2: The geekening
Quick Tip: Quickly clear stuck Growl notifications
Word repetition checking with JavaScript
Marked 1.3.1, more MultiMarkdown goodies
QuickQuestion 1.1 update
Fixing Spotlight indexing of Markdown content
Natural language dates for TextExpander
Quick Tip: MindManager to (clean) HTML
Marked 1.3 released, plus 5 free copies!
Bash auto-complete for running applications
Forget about it. Or not.
Automating random giveaways, v1.0
Visualize your Twitter stream topics
Marked Bonus Pack fix and Marked 1.3 progress
Quick Tip: some .inputrc fun
Geeklet: Top CPU processes
Catching Markdown mistakes
Marked Bonus Pack 1.2
Introducing the Marked Bonus Pack
Geeklet: 1-minute average CPU load
GVoice command line SMS revisited
Quick Tip: This command line trick is tops
Geeklets: weather and forecast
How to be popular at parties
Auto-convert your inline Markdown links to references
An average morning
Some Chrome love for the Markdown Service Tools
New Markdown Service tool: HTML to Clipboard
Dropbox and seamless mutli-Mac computing?
Antique is back, baby
Auto-link text service updated
OS X Service for natural language dates
KeyBinding madness
Quick Tip: Extracting Mac App Store reviews as text
Prefixr OS X Service
nvALT 2.1 in the wild
Marked is on the Mac App Store
oft: Bash function for opening a specific filetype
OTask: CLI for OmniFocus
A Bash function for Markdown bloggers
Quick Tip: clean up your MultiMarkdown tables
Quick Tip: throttling parallel batch processes in Terminal
nvALT 2.1 progress report
Duplicating Safari browsing sessions between Macs
Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited
A couple of TextMate Macros for Markdown lists
Markdown QuickTags makes 1000 people happier and more attractive
Bored with your MacVim icon? Me too.
Address Book search and Skype from the command line
nvALT 2.0: it's here
AutoTag2: smarter tagging for TextMate and WordPress
Mirror your Pinboard bookmarks with OpenMeta tags
Make CSSEdit use the latest Webkit nightly every time
Automating HTML5 video encodes
New: TextExpander downloads with custom prefixes
Additional Characters for TextExpander
Filesystem navigation with TextExpander
Project status report, March 2011
Watch for file changes and refresh your browser automatically
Grabbing a Mac app's icon: Automator style
Grabbing a Mac app's icon: advanced Bash usage
Grabbing a Mac app's icon: building blocks
Dynamic placeholder images, now with kittens
nvALT 1.0.8 progress and status
ImageMagick and GeekTool (or NerdTool)
Natural language date conversion for TextMate
WordPress, custom taxonomy, and XML-RPC
Markdown snippets for TextExpander touch
Meet Marky, the Markdownifier
Quick tip: running nvALT after a Notational Velocity update
Dammit. Again with the Lipsum.
One more time: TextExpander Lipsum snippets with kwisatz .hadera .ch
LaunchBar actions for url encoding and decoding
Quick calculations in Bash
TextExpander lipsum followup, with ice cream
Random Lipsum for TextExpander
Quick Tip: Multi-browser hotkey with Choosy
Quick tip: AppleScript application toggle
nvALT 1.0.8 progress
nvALT 1.0.7
Bookmarklet: Read Pinboard links with Instapaper Text
nvALT 1.0.5 (quick fixes)
nvALT 1.0.4: custom colors, social sharing
nvALT 1.0.3
Speaking of Notational Velocity, did you know...
Notational Velocity ALT expatiation (and roadmap)
Notational Velocity ALT 1.0 release
Notational Velocity ALT 5.3
Lunch-break bugfixes for Notational Velocity ALT
Notational Velocity alternative MultiMarkdown version
Notational Velocity and MultiMarkdown
Markdown QuickTags 0.7
SMS from the command line with Google Voice
Markdown QuickTags: WordPress plugin for Markdown lovers
Edit your WordPress QuickTags the right way
Pully: jQuery plugin for automatic pull quotes
VoodooPad log navigation plugins
TabLinks 2.0 is live
TextExpander: bit.ly with authentication
PromptDown for iOS: Mobile Markdown Teleprompter
Things tasks from the command line
Look, I made you a Markdown teleprompter
Answer Skype with a hotkey
HomeControl: Local Mac control for iPhone
Clear sticky Growl notifications with a keyboard shortcut
Automated search and link text Service
TabLinks 2.0
Evernote Site Memory tagger for WordPress
Taskpaper Date Scripts
A TextMate Command for fast abbr tags
A Quick VoodooPad Script Plugin - Go To Today
Is your URL too short? Try our system, free!
A quick TextMate KeyBindings tip
GReader Instapaper 0.2
Placeholder image TextMate Snippet
Instant placeholder images with TextExpander
Single-keystroke Instapaper in Google Reader
Instapaper Beyond 1.8.9
Instapaper Beyond 1.8.7
Fixing Gleebox
Instapaper Beyond: fix for text style controls
EverSave revisited, now with session restore!
Better WordPress security through comment filters
Minor TabLinks update
Visually differentiating your development site
TextMate drag command for Base64 encoding images
RedirectBuster, another late night Safari Extension
TabLinks Safari Extension
Antique 1.6, final release
Ampersands & Javascript
Antique 1.5 for Safari Reader
Antique Safari Reader hack update with Evernote goodness
Safari Reader Antique hack
Instapaper Beyond Bugs (fixed)
Instapaper Beyond for Safari
Minor update to Instapaper Beyond (1.4)
Fun with MarsEdit, part I
Instapaper Beyond 1.3
Auto-lightboxing image links
Delicious, Spotlight and OpenMeta tags, revisited
Delicious bookmarks and OpenMeta tags
A few scripts for TaskPaper users
TextExpander experiments
A System Service for to. url shortening
A big upgrade for Instapaper Beyond
Adding a TinyMCE button to Wordpress
Instapaper Beyond for Fluid.app
Updated: Songza Lucky Link Service
Save Safari tabs to Instapaper
A better System Service for Evernote clipping - with MultiMarkdown
fk: redux
Saving Safari browsing sessions to Evernote
A (fairly) simple equation evaluation service for Snow Leopard
Clippable updated to remove source code line numbers
My new favorite Bash prompt
fk: a useful bash function
Songza Lucky Link Service
Clippable to Evernote Snow Leopard Service