The next (and hopefully last before official release) nvALT 2.2 beta is up. The first version you’ll get in your updater or direct download will be 2.2b106. Depending on your OS version, you’ll then be pointed to an appropriate version for 10.6 or 10.7+. We’re splitting off the 10.6 users so we can develop for Lion/Mountain Lion while still maintaining a working Snow Leopard version.
Once you’ve updated to version 2.2b 106, check for updates again to get your OS-specific version.
The release notes for this update are fun reading. Enjoy.
Love, Brett Terpstra and David Halter
Dropbox made a change in the last 6 months that can cause nvALT to trash your notes. Again, this only affects users who run nvALT simultaneously on multiple macs, synced thru Dropbox. If this means you, you can prevent this by quitting nvALT whenever you leave your mac. You should only have nvALT running on 1 mac at a time. We fully intend to fix this, but until then you should store your notes as separate files, back them up, and try not to run nvALT on more than 1 mac at the same time.
- Numbered list auto-continuation
- nvALT is now based on NVb5 (link)
- Doesn’t require “.txt” extension when exporting
- “Open In Marked” command available in localized versions
- nvALT was launching and staying in the background, fixed
- Cmd-Return now works with list completion
- Multiple note tagging works better
- Interim note-changes is now in ~/Library/Caches/ where it belongs. This fix improve some Dropbox sync issues
- Lots of scrollbar fixes both for nvALT scrollers and the default (OS X) ones
- Long formatted dates no longer truncated in horizontal layout
- Fixed a lot of bugs with how the UI is drawn. The interface should be a little snappier, and less buggy
- Fixes to the limit text to a maximum width feature
- Fixed highlighted notes being unreadable depending on various color combinations
- Fixed tooltips from links hanging around when nvALT is in the background
- Lots of fixes for snow leopard all around. Sorry 10.6 support had fallen into disarray. Seems pretty good now, but neither developer uses 10.6 on a regular basis so keep the bug reports coming
- Some fullscreen fixes
- Find and Replace working better
- Insert Link command is smarter
- The holding-down-option-or-ctrl for word count or markdown preview tricks work better
- The URL scheme should work better. For the record: nvALT’s URL scheme is “nvalt://” not to be confused with “nv://” everything else is more or less the same, but its important to have different schemes for different apps
- Improved TaskPaper handling
- Smarter auto-pairing of quotes, parens and brackets