Posts Tagged “macos”
- Bear giveaway!
- Bike giveaway!
- SpamSieve giveaway!
- App Tamer giveaway!
- Mouse Pro giveaway!
- Web Excursions for February 19th, 2025
- Things for Mac and iOS giveaway!
- Curio giveaway!
- EagleFiler giveaway!
- Amadine giveaway!
- Inbox AI giveaway!
- Setapp giveaway!
- My "remote" web development setup
- Chronicling giveaway!
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Late Additions
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Personal Projects
- Simple Scan giveaway!
- The GoodTask for iOS and Mac giveaway winners!
- Brett's Favorites 2024: iOS
- Brett's Favorites 2024: macOS
- GoodTask for iOS and Mac giveaway!
- Drafts giveaway!
- Tower giveaway!
- Suspicious Package keeps on tickin'
- Key repeat in Sequoia
- Take Control Books giveaway!
- Alfred 5 giveaway!
- Tally giveaway!
- Monodraw giveaway!
- Name Mangler giveaway!
- ScreenCastsONLINE giveaway!
- Typora giveaway!
- OmniPlan giveaway!
- Eloquent Javascript (e-book) giveaway!
- Moom giveaway!
- Screen Studio giveaway!
- Keep It giveaway!
- HoudahGeo giveaway!
- Morpho Converter Pro giveaway!
- Obsidian Sync giveaway!
- iStat Menus giveaway!
- SoundSource giveaway!
- TextBuddy giveaway!
- PopClip giveaway!
- Backblaze giveaway!
- TableFlip giveaway!
- Dropzone giveaway!
- Marked giveaway!
- OmniOutliner giveaway!
- Screens giveaway!
- Audio Hijack giveaway!
- Retrobatch Pro giveaway!
- DEVONthink giveaway!
- OmniGraffle giveaway!
- MacUpdater giveaway!
- BBEdit giveaway!
- Acorn giveaway!
- Bear giveaway!
- Unite 5 giveaway!
- Photos Workbench giveaway!
- The Archive giveaway!
- EagleFiler giveaway!
- Flexibits Premium giveaway!
- Bike giveaway!
- The Things for Mac and iOS giveaway winners!
- Things for Mac and iOS giveaway!
- Black Ink giveaway!
- Keep It — Write notes, keep things, and find them again [Sponsor]
- TaskPaper giveaway!
- FastScripts giveaway!
- HoudahSpot giveaway!
- MarsEdit giveaway!
- OmniFocus giveaway!
- Bartender giveaway!
- Keyboard Maestro giveaway!
- App Tamer giveaway!
- Curio giveaway!
- Kaleidoscope giveaway!
- SpamSieve giveaway!
- Brett's Favorites 2023 Part II
- Brett's Favorites 2023
- Soulver giveaway!
- Tower giveaway!
- Default Folder X giveaway!
- Noteplan giveaway!
- Hazel giveaway!
- WordCounter giveaway!
- Scrivener giveaway!
- iTunesIcon updated
- TextExpander giveaway!
- Hookmark giveaway!
- Dropzone 4, the essential drag & drop productivity enhancer [Sponsor]
- Timing giveaway!
- The CleanShot X giveaway winners!
- CleanShot X giveaway!
- Tap Forms for Mac giveaway!
- Timing -- automatic time tracking for Mac AND iOS [Sponsor]
- Orchard Resales: get yourself a Mac mini, cheap [Sponsor]
- Brett's Favorites 2022 - Mac Apps
- 20 Years of Great Software from Rogue Amoeba [Sponsor]
- Read2Text is now Gather, your new Markdownifier
- Bunch: Focus Modes and other tips
- Brett's Favorites 2021
- BetterTouchTool Touch Bar followup: Zoom buttons
- Let's get crazy with BetterTouchTool and Touch Bar Simulator
- Bunch 1.4 is here
- Web Excursions for June 18, 2021
- A Bunch update, and a Sublime Text package
- Get files from Mac to iOS faster with WALTR PRO (+Giveaway)
- Improvements for the Increment Templated Service (+PopClip)
- Just a SearchLink fix
- Catching up with progress
- Peek brings text selection back to Quick Look (+Giveaway)
- Fixing the Big Sur proxy icon delay globally
- Scripting with sudo on Mac
- Loopback: powerful audio routing for Mac, no cables required [Sponsor]
- SearchLink gets a bit more social
- Web Excursions for March 18, 2021
- An ode to Bartender
- Open Zoom links in Zoom (and why Choosy is the best default browser)
- Web Excursions for February 26, 2021
- Web Excursions for February 04, 2021
- Brett's Favorites 2020
- Remove the proxy icon hover delay in Big Sur
- Marked 2, Big Sur, and blurry PDFs
- Get some great deals on software
- Automating NiftyMenu
- SoundSource is Mac sound control so good, it ought to be built-in [Sponsor]
- Get your favorite macOS text-to-speech voices back
- Sponsor: PDFpen for Mac, iPad, and iPhone
- NiftyMenu 1.0
- Enhanced music listening on macOS
- Launching the iOS Simulator without Xcode
- Fantastical 3
- Sponsor: VirtualHostX Pro - One Mac. Many Websites.
- Brett's Favorites 2019
- Hook 1.3
- Bunch 1.2: no more redundant Bunches
- MailMate and Tagging
- Sponsor: Timing, better Screen Time for the Mac
- Scripting Mac display brightness
- Emoji input on macOS
- Sponsor: TableFlip -- The Ultimate Plain Text Table Editing Tool, now in the Mac App Store
- On scripting runtimes and macOS
- The Top 20 Apps not in my Dock
- The fickle macOS Accessibility Permissions
- NiftyMenu, Mac menu madness
- Sponsor: Setapp, a suite of Mac apps for all tasks
- Another day, another Bunch
- Bunch gets its own URL scheme
- Bunch 1.0.4 with URL schemes support
- Launch AND quit apps with Bunch 1.0.2
- Bunch, a batch app launcher for your Dock
- Did your Hyper key break?
- Web Excursions for April 26, 2019
- Marked 2.5.32 with extra Bear
- HoudahSpot 5.0
- Web Excursions for February 12, 2019
- Hook: connect everything
- Retrobatch: node-based image processing
- Brainstorming: how I start a project
- PopMaker 0.3
- Shell Tricks: Toggling Dark Mode from Terminal
- Web Excursions for September 21, 2018
- CleanMyMac X
- I wrote a review of the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard for you nerds
- Yet more new keybindings for macOS
- Cognitive Productivity With macOS: 7 Principles for Getting Smarter With Knowledge
- macOS dialog shortcut keys
- Marked 2.5.11 is live
- Curio 12 — a Markdown extravaganza
- Deckset 2.0 is more of a great thing
- OmniOutliner 3 (+giveaway!)
- Best of 2017: Nerding out on macOS
- Best of 2017: Creating on macOS
- Best of 2017: working on macOS
- Best of 2017: iOS Apps
- 12StarApps - Discounts on apps from EU indie devs
- A few tips for podcast editing in Logic
- Universal Mac organization with Unclutter (and it's 40% off!)
- An update to PopMaker extension generator for PopClip
- iTunesIcon 2.3
- Have you tried rebooting?
- Cardhop for Mac: contacts done right
- Updated Mail vacuuming script
- Add favicons to Safari tabs with Faviconographer
- Sideshow (Sidecar 3.0) for Simplify
- Tagging files from the macOS command line
- A Hyper Key with Karabiner Elements, full instructions
- SearchLink and Markdown Service Tools updates
- The Pi Fest software sale
- Best of 2016: Mac apps for nerds
- Best of 2016: Mac creativity
- Best of 2016: Mac productivity
- Setapp: Sustainable recurring revenue for Mac developers
- TableFlip: the cure for Markdown table editing
- A better Hyper key hack for Sierra
- The DevMate Mac Dev Survey results
- The Image2Icon winners
- Image2icon 2.0 giveaway!
- TaskPaper 3.0
- Slogger with Day One 2
- HoudahSpot 4.1
- The CleanMyMac 3 Winners
- Win a copy of CleanMyMac 3 for Christmas
- Magic Number giveaway
- iTunesIcon 2.2
- Smarter keyboard shortcuts for Finder
- Curio 10 and Curiota
- TextExpander
- Vacuuming on El Capitan
- The Mac Pick-A-Bundle has some sweet apps...
- SearchLink 2.2.2
- Share all your browser tabs at once
- CodeReminder: don't forget to play
- On the XARA Mac and iOS exploits
- Popup URL previews for Yosemite
- MMD QuickLook 1.2 with TextBundle support
- New features and fixes for BitTorrent Sync
- A universal clipboard command for Bash
- OS X shell tricks: speaking in tongues
- CleanMyMac 3 adds robust new features
- Titler: instantly add page titles to URLS in your text
- Records: a flexible database for Mac
- Doing Spotlight right with HoudahSpot 4.0
- Macminicolo turns 10
- The WALTR winners
- Bitlyize 1.5
- The Marked 2 giveaway winners
- The PicGIF Giveaway winners
- PicGIF Giveaway
- The Antetype winners!
- iBetterCharge: remember to charge your iDevices
- Antetype giveaway!
- New Perspective Icons for OmniFocus 2
- Clarify for Markdown blogging
- Shell tricks: the OS X open command
- Vox 2.1 with SoundCloud integration
- The Tower 2 giveaway
- Tower 2 is twice the Git power
- Marked 2.3 on the Mac App Store
- Review: Dropzone 3
- The Transloader winners
- Giveaway: Transloader remote downloader
- bookmark-cli: OS X bookmark data for scripters
- How to lose your tags
- Mavericks tags and coreutils, a warning
- Win a copy of Curio 9!
- Curio 9 adds all kinds of awesome
- The sweet giveaways continue: ScreenFloat
- The Yoink giveaway winners
- Giveaway: 5 codes for Yoink
- Recap: Apr 30th, 2014
- Web Excursions for April 29, 2014
- Deckset 1.0 released
- What's that in your menu bar?
- Recap: Mar 26th, 2014
- Quick Tip: manual autocorrect on OS X
- The atomic solution for Keep In Dock on Mavericks
- Arq 4 Giveaway!
- Quick Tip: caffeinate your Terminal
- iTunesIcon 2.1 with easy icon sizing
- VOX 2.0
- Web Excursions for January 10, 2014
- 2013: My year in review
- Scripting podcast and screencast prep on a Mac
- A few of my favorite Mac apps in 2013
- Quick Tip: Tag Filer without Hazel
- Automatic filing with Hazel and Mavericks tags
- Icon Grabber updated to search any platform
- Web Excursions for November 14, 2013
- Planter 2.0 with Mavericks tagging
- Mavericks tags, Spotlight and Terminal
- Speedier file tagging in Mavericks
- Top RAM processes Geeklet Mavericks fixer upper
- Markdown Service Tools update for Mavericks
- Web Excursions for October 24, 2013
- TextExpander tools updated for Mavericks
- Web Excursions for October 15, 2013
- A better SearchLink fix
- Wallflowers: my favorite OS X augmentations
- Web Excursions for October 03, 2013
- And the ForkLift winners are...
- Announcing the BusyCal Winners
- Web Excursions for September 11, 2013
- Advanced file management with ForkLift (plus giveaway!)
- Get busy: BusyCal 2.5 giveaway
- Side note: Curio 8 is on sale
- Web Excursions for August 24, 2013
- Scripting TaskPaper, mind maps, outliners and other fun
- Searchlink 1.6 update
- The Chatology winners
- VOX 1.0 is out, plus a treat
- A Chatology giveway to make your day
- And the Fantastical winners are...
- A Fantastic(al) giveaway!
- Mavericks and Tagging
- The 2x myPhoneDesktop winners!
- 2x Giveaway - Win TWO copies of myPhoneDesktop
- The winners of the Oyster Giveaway
- Oyster Giveaway
- Mac App Giveaway: Briefly
- Web Excursions for July 08, 2013
- The SliceReader giveaway winners
- Thumbnail icons for Delish bookmarks
- 5 free copies of SliceReader
- Mac App Review: Oyster
- Mac App Review: SliceReader
- Just some BetterTouchTool notes
- EventScripts and reliable Bluetooth proximity detection
- Mac App Review: Dash for developers
- Natural Language Date Service update
- Fix blurry, pixelated icons in Mountain Lion
- Mac App review: Ulysses III
- SearchLink gets a little smarter
- The first apps on my new Mac
- Glui: a lightweight alternative to Skitch
- Triggering tasks remotely with notifyutil and launchd
- Quick Tip: Jumping to the Finder location in Terminal
- Mac App Review: MultiMarkdown Composer 2
- Restore Save as... everywhere
- Clip Text File: more surprisingly handy dumb tricks
- Great apps for 2012: Mac and iOS
- Great apps for 2012: Mac
- Memories: photo, video and text journaling
- Pixa giveaway winners
- Pixa giveaway, get it while it's hot
- ProductiveMacs rules the productivity roost, again
- Mac app review: Slicy
- Vacuuming your index still works wonders
- Quick Tip: Trackpad rule of thumb
- You won Day One
- Launching your entire Dock at once
- A drop-in growlnotify replacement for Mountain Lion notifications
- Celebrate the Day One updates with a free copy!
- Mountain Lion Notifications from Terminal with terminal-notifier
- Fixing virtual hosts and web sharing in Mountain Lion
- Quickly restarting apps with LaunchBar (and friends)
- nvALT and Marked on Mountain Lion: A-OK
- Web excursions: July 25, 2012
- Quick Tip: system-wide notifications with notifyutil
- Note - Bundle Hunt Bundle is awesome
- My Sweet Mac Setup
- App Review: Found - Spotlight on steroids
- Mac App Review: Trickster, instant access to recent items
- Spotlight tricks: search by category
- New text navigation KeyBindings
- Proximity hacking
- App Review: Tree, an outliner I can love
- MultiMarkdown Quick Look with Style
- Introducing Gather, a Cocoa Markdownifier
- Connecting nvALT and Address Book
- App Review: LiveReload
- Mac App Giveaway: PDFpen
- The second Marked giveaway!
- Mac App Giveaway: Byword
- Mac App Giveaway: MultiMarkdown Composer
- Mac App Giveaway: TextExpander
- Mac App Giveaway: Dropzone
- KeyBindings: new, improved "surround" commands
- App Review: CodeRunner
- QuickQuestion 1.1 update
- What? You want QuickCal for free? Ok.
- Forget about it. Or not.
- App Review: Yoink
- App review: Launchpad-Control
- App Review: Byword
- KeyBinding madness
- Prefixr OS X Service
- Quick Tip: fixing the "other account" Mac App Store issue
- The Mac and iOS mind mapping app extravaganza
- Duplicating Safari browsing sessions between Macs
- Make CSSEdit use the latest Webkit nightly every time
- Watch for file changes and refresh your browser automatically
- Grabbing a Mac app's icon: Automator style
- Grabbing a Mac app's icon: advanced Bash usage
- Grabbing a Mac app's icon: building blocks
- Markdown in ScreenSteps
- Notational Velocity ALT 1.0 release
- Notational Velocity ALT 5.3
- Clear sticky Growl notifications with a keyboard shortcut
- Fun with MarsEdit, part I
- MultiMarkdown in MarsEdit
- Instapaper Beyond 1.3
- Delicious, Spotlight and OpenMeta tags, revisited
- Delicious bookmarks and OpenMeta tags
- A few scripts for TaskPaper users
- TextExpander experiments
- A better System Service for Evernote clipping - with MultiMarkdown