Marked 2.4.10 is out for direct customers and has been submitted to the Mac App Store for review. It fixes some bugs that were introduced when I started working on optimizing rendering speed, improves on existing features, and adds a few new ones.
(If you grabbed the build 881 update yesterday, check again today for 882, which fixes one glaring bug in the initial 2.4.10 release.)
The biggest change in this release is the removal of sandboxing from the direct-sale version. The Mac App Store version will continue as it has, but the direct version will no longer need to ask your permission to load files or run scripts that you haven’t previously opened. It will make life (and customer support) easier all around.
If you’re a current Marked 2 user, running this latest version will import your current preferences from the sandbox into the standard preferences system when it’s first run.
Marked 2.4.10 adds new features such as:
Support for MultiMarkdown’s “transclude” syntax
In addition to Marked’s special file include syntax, you can use `` to include external files in your document
Use Transclude Base: in metadata at the top of the file to set a custom base directory for file paths
Transclude Base (Include Base: is also recognized) affects any files included using Marked’s native syntaxes as well
Marked now offers additional contextual menu actions based on the type of element right-clicked in the document
You can embed local images as data urls when copying HTML source to the clipboard
You can define in preferences how you want Marked to behave when links to text files are clicked
Open the file as Markdown in the current window
Open the file in a new Marked window
Open the file in the default editor for that type
I’ve also added an opt-in usage tracking system. When you first open the new version, it will ask if you want to send anonymous usage statistics. Agreeing to this simply sends information to the server about what versions customers are using, how many times they launch, what OS version, etc.. It submits absolutely no identifying information about you, your computer, or the files you’re opening. I plan to expand this in the future to allow me to collect statistics on what processors are most used and other data that will help me develop a better product. Also, internal crash reporting is coming…
If you haven’t tried Marked 2 out, there’s a free trial available. Grab it and try it out!