Yes, this is a somewhat cheesy sales pitch, but I think it’s important to get the word out… forgive me.

Do you use a Markdown workflow at work? Do you want to speed up the process and get everyone on board? Marked is a great way to make sure everyone can see documents the same way as they evolve, effectively proofread them and even easily incorporate your unique scripts and tools into the process. It makes it possible to create consistent exports and document branding, all while working in plain text documents that don’t require any special software or word processors.

Marked 2 now has site licensing options available. Several companies have already taken advantage of this, but I wanted to make a public announcement about it and make sure everyone had the opportunity. You can buy whatever quantity you like, and there are tiered discounts available:

  • 5–9, 10% off
  • 10–19, 12% off
  • 20–49, 15% off
  • 50+, 20% off

If you’d like to take advantage of site licensing for Marked, just drop me a line and I’ll provide a special purchase link for the quantity requested with the discount built in.