Posts Tagged “scripting”
- Some useful Git commands
- Readwise to DEVONthink update
- Readwise highlights to DEVONthink
- Archive linkding bookmarks to DEVONthink
- My "remote" web development setup
- Stripping Emoji from a string
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Behind The Scenes
- Brett's Favorites 2024: Personal Projects
- Scripting when you're away: beengone 2.0
- Planter 3.0
- Updated: generate slick changelogs from Git commits
- Easily save and restore all of your gem executables
- Marked 2.6.39 with Streaming Preview fixes
- Obsidian Callouts in Marked
- A Markdown Lorem Ipsum API
- Man, I should have started Conductor with filters
- I can't believe I forgot this Conductor filter
- Conductor filters simplify basic operations
- Conductor fixes and improvements
- Introducing the Marked Conductor
- CurlyQ and automated JavaScript execution
- FastScripts giveaway!
- Checking for a VPN connection from the command line
- Introducing CurlyQ, a pipeline-oriented curl helper
- Updated Bitlyize Service
- A few Ruby snippets for scripters
- Ruby Regexp::scan with MatchData
- Save yourself from unwanted emails with TextExpander [Sponsor]
- iTunesIcon updated
- Automating the giveaways
- Static blogs and Mastodon
- Snibbets plain text code snippet manager reborn
- Syntax highlighting is fun, and you won't believe this one weird trick
- Find which of your favorite apps are on Setapp, revisited
- I completely refactored SearchLink and now I should probably stop
- Marked 2.6.18 with 100% less jitter
- Web Excursions for November 25, 2022
- Managing Ruby Gems using Homebrew
- Revamping na (Next Action CLI)
- PopClip extensions: WebMarkdown fix
- Getting started with Howzit
- Project Updates July 2022
- BetterTouchTool and Stream Deck
- Bunch 1.4.8
- Terminal output with ALL the colors
- Web Excursions for March 15, 2022
- Keybindings cheat sheet for Dash
- Doing 2.0
- Revisiting appinfo: Mac app details from the command line
- See what you're "doing" in the iTerm status bar
- Howzit gets templates
- Custom URLs for your Synology with Namecheap
- BetterTouchTool Touch Bar followup: Zoom buttons
- Let's get crazy with BetterTouchTool and Touch Bar Simulator
- Web Excursions for June 29, 2021
- A Bunch update, and a Sublime Text package
- Catching up with progress
- Hacking around with Marked's Streaming Preview
- Rewind: Quick reminders in Terminal
- Scripting with sudo on Mac
- The latest on the Bunch beta
- A Service to make Objective-C "description" methods easier
- LinkChecker: a bookmarklet for web writers
- Another round of Bunch Updates
- And then there were interactive Bunches
- Dealing with leftover Zoom tabs in the browser
- Podcasting with Bunch
- Using Moom with Bunch for window management
- Automating NiftyMenu
- Brace expansion and sequences in Fish
- Markdown and code snippet management
- All Fish, all day
- The new Marked Custom Style Gallery
- Enhanced music listening on macOS
- Scatterbrained: Revisiting the "doing" CLI
- Soundtrack - experiments with Spotify, Apple Music, and
- tm: wrapper for tmux, redux (with Fish tab completion)
- All my Fish functions
- iTerm and the Find pasteboard
- Fish: further exploration
- Branching out from Bash: Fishing expedition
- Shell Tricks: a random selection
- Scripting Mac display brightness
- Bunch and
- On scripting runtimes and macOS
- Launch AND quit apps with Bunch 1.0.2
- So you got Setapp... make the most of it
- Creating shortcuts for Mac symbols in HTML
- sizes: better disk usage reporting in Terminal
- Keeping track of all your projects' build systems
- Stuff I've made (and actually use)
- The new, improved StyleStealer for Marked 2
- Shell Tricks: Toggling Dark Mode from Terminal
- The XML Data Liberation Front
- Shell Tricks: Autocompleting system sound names on the command line
- Web Excursions for May 18, 2018
- A few keyboard helpers for AppleScript
- A drag and drop PodTagger for easy MP3 podcast tagging
- Shell Tricks: quick start scripts
- Shell Tricks: what to do when you can't do internet
- Automated web image workflow, part 1
- More TaskPaper fun with Keyboard Maestro
- A MailMate command for SaneBox SaneAttachments
- iTunesIcon 2.3
- Tagging files from the macOS command line
- seconds: CLI for quick time interval calculation
- styleStealer: add your web design to Marked with a click
- appinfo: get app details quickly in Terminal
- PodTagger: automatic ID3 tagging for podcasts
- Natural language dates anywhere with Keyboard Maestro
- Shell Tricks: shorten every line of output
- Shell Tricks: list files with most text matches
- iTunesIcon 2.2
- Share all your browser tabs at once
- TextExpander 5 JavaScript snippets
- A universal clipboard command for Bash
- OS X shell tricks: speaking in tongues
- A Bash function for finding your Bash functions
- Shell trick: printf rules
- Web Excursions for February 16, 2015
- GitHub TOC Service 0.2.0
- The "Shell Tricks" video course
- Automating OS X Automator scripting
- Bytes: file size conversion Service
- The MatchData object in Ruby gsub blocks
- Shell tricks: A time to kill
- ezsnippets for Marked 2, text expansion on the fly
- Shell tricks: the OS X open command
- Save even more time with TextExpander snippet nesting
- Shell tricks: Changelogs with Git
- Custom export options for Marked 2
- TagBak, tag backup and restore
- How to lose your tags
- Mavericks tags and coreutils, a warning
- A GitHub README table of contents Service
- Marker, Grablinks, and Bullseye fixes
- Fast, fuzzy directory navigation for Tag Filer
- Even better random filenames
- (Potentially) funny random filenames for Bash scripts
- Mirror your MindMeister maps to nvALT
- up: fuzzy navigation up a directory tree
- Making my tmux life easier
- Bash and Dash
- Web Excursions for May 05, 2014
- Folderize - Sync nvALT notes to nested folders
- Web Excursions for April 14, 2014
- A Service for getting sums from selections
- Dash docsets from MultiMarkdown
- Scatterbrains 3: a new tool for doing
- Remote pbcopy on OS X systems
- Automating dynamic date math in TextExpander
- iTunesIcon 2.1 with easy icon sizing
- Quick Tip: Automating your Mac's wifi power
- Custom Processors in Marked 2
- A Service for creating Marked indexes
- Scripting podcast and screencast prep on a Mac
- Automatic filing with Hazel and Mavericks tags
- Icon Grabber updated to search any platform
- Command line bar chart (for GeekTool, et al)
- Planter 2.0 with Mavericks tagging
- Bash completion for Mac app aliases
- Save Pocket favorites to nvALT with IFTTT and Hazel
- Top RAM processes Geeklet Mavericks fixer upper
- Web Excursions for October 24, 2013
- "Lazy" Markdown reference links
- Wallflowers: my favorite OS X augmentations
- Web Excursions for October 11, 2013
- Using Growl for long-running script status
- Easily save that wicked awesome shell command
- Clickable wiki links in the nvALT preview
- Scripting TaskPaper, mind maps, outliners and other fun
- Bash image tools for web designers
- Web Excursions for July 08, 2013
- nvremind: Automatic reminders for nvALT
- Natural Language Date Service 1.3
- Planter 1.3 with File Templates
- Instantly grab a high-res icon for any iOS app
- Synchronizing Screen Savers between multiple Macs
- A multi-purpose EDITOR variable
- nvALT Tag Search for Alfred 2
- More command line handiness
- An in-progress custom site search project
- beengone: a script-friendly way to check computer idle time
- Every last Systematic show link
- Mass creating TextExpander snippets
- Planter for LaunchBar
- Web excursions: November 26, 2012
- Coughbutton 1.3 (with 100% more Skype)
- WordPress to Jekyll: converting gallery shortcodes
- Turn your iPhone into a cough button
- Markdown link format conversion on iOS
- External linking for nvALT notes 2: nvWikiLinker
- Planter: Tree planting for your filesystem
- Easy command line Github Flavored Markdown
- Matrix(ish): a bash script with no practical application
- Lucky Duck
- Quick Tip: Checking for modifier keys in shell scripts
- Launching your entire Dock at once
- A drop-in growlnotify replacement for Mountain Lion notifications
- Overthinking it: fast bundle ID retrieval for Mac apps
- More automated logging: Gists
- Quickly restarting apps with LaunchBar (and friends)
- wp_mangler, scripted post modification for WordPress
- A warm, fuzzy, file-finding feeling
- Quick Tip: system-wide notifications with notifyutil
- searchFocus, the most useful bookmarklet I've ever made at 3:21am
- TextExpander Tools updated
- Desktop cleanup scripts for screencasting
- Natural Language Date Service update
- Auto-pairing for MarsEdit and TextEdit using TextExpander
- TextExpander tools for AppleScript editing
- A Service for writing MultiMarkdown footnotes inline
- A simple but handy Bash function: console
- na: per-project todos in Terminal
- A little KeyBinding sanity
- "Open URLs" Dropzone Destination
- Marked scripts: nvALT, Evernote, MarsEdit, Scrivener
- Geeklet: Top RAM Processes
- The MindMeister Markdown Showdown
- Scatterbrains 2: The geekening
- Quick Tip: Quickly clear stuck Growl notifications
- Word repetition checking with JavaScript
- Bash auto-complete for running applications
- Automating random giveaways, v1.0
- Marked Bonus Pack fix and Marked 1.3 progress
- Geeklet: Top CPU processes
- Totally TaskPaper
- Marked Bonus Pack 1.2
- Introducing the Marked Bonus Pack
- Auto-convert your inline Markdown links to references
- An average morning
- Dropbox and seamless mutli-Mac computing?
- OS X Service for natural language dates
- oft: Bash function for opening a specific filetype
- A Bash function for Markdown bloggers
- Quick Tip: clean up your MultiMarkdown tables
- Quick Tip: throttling parallel batch processes in Terminal
- Duplicating Safari browsing sessions between Macs
- Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited
- Address Book search and Skype from the command line
- Quick calculations in Bash
- TextExpander lipsum followup, with ice cream
- Random Lipsum for TextExpander
- VoodooPad log navigation plugins
- TextExpander: with authentication
- Things tasks from the command line
- Answer Skype with a hotkey
- HomeControl: Local Mac control for iPhone
- Clear sticky Growl notifications with a keyboard shortcut
- Taskpaper Date Scripts
- A Quick VoodooPad Script Plugin - Go To Today
- TextExpander experiments
- fk: redux