Posts Tagged “productivity”
- The Curio giveaway winners!
- Curio giveaway!
- Habit Traffic: A Unique Approach to Habit Tracking
- Speed up development with Howzit templates
- Marked 2 and Obsidian
- The TaskPaper giveaway winners!
- TaskPaper giveaway!
- The OmniFocus giveaway winners!
- OmniFocus giveaway!
- The Curio giveaway winner!
- Curio giveaway!
- Brett's Favorites 2023
- mdless gets all the colors
- mdless updates for Thanksgiving weekend
- Halp: Universal help for Fish
- So you think you know productivity? [Sponsor]
- More na updates
- A bit more na work
- Some na updates and new commands
- Howzit with named variables
- Brett's Favorites 2022 - Mac Apps
- What gets in the way of your productivity? [Sponsor]
- na with a global file
- na can now edit your actions
- na as a TaskPaper query tool
- Revamping na (Next Action CLI)
- Hook and SearchLink
- BetterTouchTool and Stream Deck
- Doing 2.0
- Doing (more) with more tags
- Get ahead of your 2021 productivity with TextExpander
- Get more done: check out Curio 14 today [Sponsor]
- Podcasting with Bunch
- Using Moom with Bunch for window management
- Finally! MeisterTask's Gantt Chart---Timeline---has arrived [Sponsor]
- Sponsor: Boost your productivity with TextExpander
- Working from home can be magical
- Scatterbrained: Revisiting the "doing" CLI
- Fantastical 3
- Thinking faster with mind maps
- SearchLink Basics
- Forgiveness, peace, and productivity
- Hook 1.3
- Howzit: Remember how what you work on works
- Bunch 1.2: no more redundant Bunches
- Sponsor: Unlock your productivity with TextExpander
- The Top 20 Apps not in my Dock
- Zengobi's new Curio 13 release
- When you find a hair clipper worth writing about...
- Hook: connect everything
- Brainstorming: how I start a project
- Save time with Chrome custom search engines
- Stuff I've made (and actually use)
- The most demonstrably valuable text expansion snippet ever
- Cognitive Productivity With macOS: 7 Principles for Getting Smarter With Knowledge
- Cardhop 1.1
- A packing tape label maker hack
- Curio 12 — a Markdown extravaganza
- Tips for sane cable storage
- Cheaters 2.1
- OmniOutliner 3 (+giveaway!)
- More TaskPaper fun with Keyboard Maestro
- Another Product Hunt bookmarklet update
- Best of 2017: working on macOS
- A great deal on Curio Core, the ultimate brainstorming app
- Task management for coders
- Universal Mac organization with Unclutter (and it's 40% off!)
- Multi-app wikis with the ExtraInfo Service
- MindMeister and Apple Watch
- A new email trick with SaneBox, Spark, and OmniFocus
- TaskPaper 3.0
- Workflows for animated GIFs
- A Hyper Key that can still YELL
- Tips for Screencasting
- Smarter keyboard shortcuts for Finder
- Curio 10 and Curiota
- LaunchBar and Trickster
- Share all your browser tabs at once
- ExtraInfo+ for TaskPaper, now with Wiki Links
- The Terminology dictionary for Mac
- MindNode 2.0 for Mac (with Marked 2 integration)
- LaunchBar 6.4 streamlines custom actions
- TextExpander 5
- Beyond Productivity workshop with Mike Vardy
- Postbox 4
- MeisterTask for iOS and Apple Watch
- MeisterTask: intuitive task management and collaboration [sponsor]
- Blink: instant iTunes affiliate links on iOS
- MeisterTask: visual task management from MindMeister
- Winterfest 2014: great apps at 25% off
- oTask 0.2.3
- How I Mind Map
- New Perspective Icons for OmniFocus 2
- OnTop calendar manager for iPhone, +giveaway!
- Save even more time with TextExpander snippet nesting
- Review: Dropzone 3
- How to lose your tags
- The coolest way to present a mind map
- Speedy note taking with concurrent topics
- Win a copy of Curio 9!
- Curio 9 adds all kinds of awesome
- Web Excursions for May 05, 2014
- Folderize - Sync nvALT notes to nested folders
- Bitlyize link shortening OS X Service
- Thinking in the shell
- OTask OmniFocus CLI is back (for now)
- doing 0.2.5
- Logging Git commits with doing
- doing gone wild
- Quick Tip: manual autocorrect on OS X
- A couple of followups to "doing"
- Scatterbrains 3: a new tool for doing
- Brainstorm collaboratively with Stormboard
- Markdown at work: Marked site licenses
- Realmac's Clear goes free, round 1
- Day One as project log
- Quick Tip: Automating your Mac's wifi power
- Systematic 83 with Dave Seah
- Web Excursions for February 07, 2014
- Cheaters 2.0: more and faster
- nvremind update with IFTTT fun
- A few of my favorite Mac apps in 2013
- Automatic filing with Hazel and Mavericks tags
- Giveaway! Five Copies of "Cognitive Productivity"
- MailMate and OmniFocus, productive hacking
- Begin 1.5 released
- Winners of the Begin for iPhone giveaway
- Side note: Curio 8 is on sale
- Scripting TaskPaper, mind maps, outliners and other fun
- Brainstorming the brainstorm: workflows and ideas
- nvremind bollocks
- nvremind: Automatic reminders for nvALT
- A guided tour of my Hyper key shortcuts
- Restore Save as... everywhere
- Thank you for your time. We'll be in touch.
- Quick Tip: Flip between two apps with the Hyper key
- Services vs Keybindings
- Mass creating TextExpander snippets
- Planter for LaunchBar
- Next Actions CLI updated, time to meet the parents
- Mac OS X Screencasts makes Hazel easy for everyone
- External linking for nvALT notes 2: nvWikiLinker
- External linking for nvALT notes: Part 1
- Quick Tip: images in nvALT
- An open response
- Mountain Lion Paparazzi!
- Spotlight tricks: search by category
- Desktop countdown timer with GeekTool and AppleScript
- 2x4 interview on Lifehack
- App Review: Tree, an outliner I can love
- Byword for iOS!
- Cheaters: customizable cheat sheet system
- Automating TaskPaper to Day One logs
- Log TaskPaper archives to Day One
- System Service: Clip to Day One
- Logging with Day One, geek style
- Scripting Readability and Markdownify for clipping web pages
- na: per-project todos in Terminal
- Mac App Giveaway: PDFpen
- Scatterbrains 2: The geekening
- A solution for scatterbrains
- App Review: Quiet
- QuickQuestion 1.1 update
- When plain text is wrong
- Forget about it. Or not.
- Totally TaskPaper
- On sorting, tagging and other nerdery
- Sanity and singletasking
- Quick Link:
- Things tasks from the command line