TextExpander Tools

FYI, this project is listed as "retired." It may no longer function or I may just not be updating it anymore.

The TextExpander groups below now use a custom prefix system which allows you to define your own prefix for the snippet abbreviations. Click the link next to a group to get a download or “Add from URL” link with your chosen prefix.

Use the URL by clicking the plus symbol under the Groups panel in TextExpander and choose “Add group from URL.” Paste your custom URL in the dialog that pops up. Set your update settings for the group as desired.

You can also download the .textexpander file directly and install it by double clicking (note that you won’t get automatic updates using this method).

See all of my various TextExpander experiments and snippets under the TextExpander tag.

Snippet titles include the date of the most recent change in light grey.

AppleScript Editor snippets [2-19-12]

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  • A set of snippets for working in AppleScript editor.
  • Following a trigger with a space assumes it’s on one line, a dash creates a block

Markdown snippets for iOS [4-24-13]

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  • Markdown workflow enhancement snippets, especially handy in TextExpander touch on the iPhone and iPad.
  • [More info]

Characters [6-29-12]

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  • Just a few characters such as ⌘, ⌥, ⇧, etc. To be expanded.
  • Additional characters courtesy of Thomas Borowski.

Cursed [10-03-15]

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  • Modify the abbreviations in this group to create words that automatically censor (%$&!*#¡^ø).

Lorem Ipsum (Greeking text) [6-29-12]

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  • Lorem ipsum snippets in plain and HTML flavors

Random Lipsums (Randomized Lorem Ipsum) [10-26-13]

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  • Lorem ipsum snippets generated using various online and local services
  • While some of these will work with no additional requirements, there are a few in here that uses a similar method to Dr. Drang’s solution, and requires a text file located at /Users/[YOUR USER NAME]/words/inputtext.txt (and another at ~/words/alice.txt, if you feel like it). It also requires the ruby gems raingrams (random text generation) and maruku (for HTML output), see here for more information.
  • [More info]

Tools [10-20-13]

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  • Some miscellaneous tools for clipboard actions, Markdown tools, etc.
  • [More info]

CSS3 snippets [3-20-11]

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  • CSS3 shortcuts for transitions, shadows, rounded corners, etc.

Filesystem shortcuts [6-29-12]

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  • Some common folders that I use in support emails. They also work in “Go To Folder” mode in Finder (Command-Shift-G).
  • [More info]

Movie Lipsum [4-15-15]

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  • A generator for filler text gathered from your favorite movie quotes
  • [More info]

Next X [5-31-15]

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  • Insert the date for the next occurrence of a given weekday.

Speaking of TextExpander Tools…

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