All the Downloads

Every downloadable Terpstra project since 2010

I hit my first 100 downloadable projects. Some of them are defunct and very few of them have been updated in years, but…

  1. Clippable to Evernote Service
  2. Equation Evaluation Service
  3. Markdown To Evernote Service
  4. Songza Lucky Link Service
  5. TinyMCE Button Skeleton
  6. TextExpander Snippets
  7. TaskPaper Scripts
  8. Instapaper Beyond for Safari 5
  9. Antique Safari Reader style
  10. TUAW style for Safari Reader
  11. Antique Safari Reader Style (no background image)
  12. Antique 1.6 for Safari Reader
  13. TabLinks Safari Extension
  14. RedirectBuster
  15. Base64 Image Encoder TextMate Drag Command
  16. SyntaxUnhighlighter
  17. GReader Instapaper
  18. TaskPaper Date Scripts
  19. Auto-link Web Search
  20. HomeControl
  21. VoodooPad log navigation
  22. QuickTags to Markdown
  23. Blogsmith Bundle (defunct)
  24. nvALT
  25. Markdown Service Tools
  26. Random Lipsums for TextExpander
  27. Markdown for TextExpander iOS
  28. Date Conversion for TextMate
  29. Watcher Service
  30. Pinboard mirror with OpenMeta tagging
  31. AutoTag2 and GetTags-RPC
  32. Brett’s MacVim Icons v1
  33. Markdown List TextMate Macros
  34. Indents to Markdown Service
  35. Prefixr Service
  36. Killer DefaultKeyBinding.dict
  37. Convert Date - Natural Language Date Service
  38. md - HTML to Clipboard System Service
  39. Average Numbers in Selection
  40. Marked Bonus Pack
  41. QuickQuestion
  42. Markdown Spotlight Plugin
  43. MultiMarkdown Composer Themes
  44. Stained - Simplify Jacket
  45. mindmeister2md
  46. Clean up Markdown Lists
  47. Marked Watcher Scripts
  48. Open URLs Dropzone Destination
  49. Read2Text
  50. Clip to Day One Service
  51. Convert Inline Footnotes Service
  52. ScrivWatcher
  53. Gather
  54. nvALT 2.2 BETA
  55. Cheaters
  56. Create Dropbox Collection
  57. Sparkup System Service
  58. Proximity mod
  59. Marky Services
  60. Increment Templated Service
  61. OmniFocus Clipper Plugins for Chrome
  62. Localized GeekTool Weather and Forecast
  63. Slogger
  64. Google Lucky Link Services
  65. SearchLink
  66. Planter for LaunchBar/CLI
  67. Clip Text File System Service
  68. Open link in iTunes or MAS
  69. jQuery Fiddler
  70. beengone
  71. Down Under
  72. nvTagNavigator
  73. Brett’s PopClip Extensions
  74. Link Bundler Service
  75. nvALT Tag Search for Alfred 2
  76. Lopash for nvALT
  77. ItunesIcon
  78. Sidecar
  79. Cheaters for Alfred
  80. nvremind
  81. Markdown to MindMap
  82. Sidecar13
  83. Planter
  84. Create Marked Index
  85. Total Numbers Service
  86. Bitlyize Service
  87. spl
  88. PopMaker
  89. GitHub TOC Service
  90. bookmark-cli
  91. Ubersicht Widgets
  92. Bytes Service
  93. vitag
  94. ReadingListCatcher
  95. Titler Service
  96. Rock Paper Rock Wallpapers
  97. Marked Selection Services
  98. Preview URL Action Extension
  99. Marked 2 Docset for Dash
  100. Share Tab Collections
  101. Make A Date for Keyboard Maestro
  102. PodTagger
  104. ExtraInfo Service
  105. Sideshow
  106. Keyboard Maestro macros for TaskPaper 3
  107. Dimpapers

Here’s the other stuff you didn’t even know about.