Posts Tagged “ruby”
- Readwise to DEVONthink update
- Readwise highlights to DEVONthink
- Stripping Emoji from a string
- Archive linkding bookmarks to local Markdown
- Planter 3.0
- Binbundle: A gem for saving and restoring gem binaries
- Easily save and restore all of your gem executables
- Updated Bitlyize Service
- A few Ruby snippets for scripters
- Ruby Regexp::scan with MatchData
- mdless 2.0
- SearchLink Fixes
- iTunesIcon updated
- Snibbets 2.0.34
- Static blogs and Mastodon
- Syntax highlighting is fun, and you won't believe this one weird trick
- Find which of your favorite apps are on Setapp, revisited
- Managing Ruby Gems using Homebrew
- Revamping na (Next Action CLI)
- Terminal output with ALL the colors
- Catching up with progress
- Solving RVM and OpenSSL issues with Homebrew
- Brace expansion and sequences in Fish
- Scripting Mac display brightness
- On scripting runtimes and macOS
- Creating shortcuts for Mac symbols in HTML
- sizes: better disk usage reporting in Terminal
- seconds: CLI for quick time interval calculation
- PodTagger: automatic ID3 tagging for podcasts
- CodeReminder: don't forget to play
- A launchd post scheduling system for Jekyll
- Modifying Jekyll post data with inline tags
- Reiki, a fix for my convoluted Rakefiles
- Automating OS X Automator scripting
- Bytes: file size conversion Service
- The MatchData object in Ruby gsub blocks
- TagBak, tag backup and restore
- How to lose your tags
- Install SearchLink without the Terminal hassle
- Folderize - Sync nvALT notes to nested folders
- Web Excursions for April 14, 2014
- A Service for getting sums from selections
- Dash docsets from MultiMarkdown
- Automatic filing with Hazel and Mavericks tags
- Icon Grabber updated to search any platform
- Planter 2.0 with Mavericks tagging
- Top RAM processes Geeklet Mavericks fixer upper
- "Lazy" Markdown reference links
- SkypeCall extension for PopClip
- nvremind: Automatic reminders for nvALT
- Planter 1.3 with File Templates
- Instantly grab a high-res icon for any iOS app
- Scripting Jekyll image "uploads"
- Mass creating TextExpander snippets
- Previewing Jekyll posts with Marked
- Jekyll plugin for quick "donate" buttons
- WordPress to Jekyll: converting gallery shortcodes
- Search your Pinboard bookmarks with Launchbar
- Planter: Tree planting for your filesystem
- A drop-in growlnotify replacement for Mountain Lion notifications
- Mountain Lion Notifications from Terminal with terminal-notifier
- wp_mangler, scripted post modification for WordPress
- A warm, fuzzy, file-finding feeling
- Scatterbrains: git as biographer
- Experiment: CSV to MMD tables with color coding
- Automating TaskPaper to Day One logs
- "Open URLs" Dropzone Destination
- Marked scripts: nvALT, Evernote, MarsEdit, Scrivener
- The MindMeister Markdown Showdown
- Automating random giveaways, v1.0
- GVoice command line SMS revisited
- OTask: CLI for OmniFocus
- Watch for file changes and refresh your browser automatically
- Natural language date conversion for TextMate
- Dammit. Again with the Lipsum.
- SMS from the command line with Google Voice
- TextExpander: with authentication
- TextExpander experiments
- Updated: Songza Lucky Link Service
- A better System Service for Evernote clipping - with MultiMarkdown
- A (fairly) simple equation evaluation service for Snow Leopard