Posts Tagged “bookmarklet”
- Marky gets DEVONthink integration
- Gather, Shortcuts, Bookmarklets, and Paywalled Content
- LinkChecker: a bookmarklet for web writers
- The new, improved StyleStealer for Marked 2
- VidWipe - Delete 'em all
- KillZapper - Click to Kill web annoyances
- Another Product Hunt bookmarklet update
- styleStealer: add your web design to Marked with a click
- Product Hunt bookmarklet update
- Quickie bookmarklet for Product Hunt
- Bookmarklet: Clean highlighted code for copying
- Similarity bookmarklet update
- Grab sibling links with the Similarity bookmarklet
- Answered: save your StackExchange discoveries
- A Spillo bookmarklet
- Marker, Grablinks, and Bullseye fixes
- Marker: Web selections to Markdown
- Bullseye 0.3
- Precise web clipping to Markdown with Bullseye
- GrabLinks: One more time, with feeling
- Grablinks bookmarklet 2.0
- Saving batches of links from web pages
- searchFocus, the most useful bookmarklet I've ever made at 3:21am
- Bookmarklet: Read Pinboard links with Instapaper Text
- Clippable updated, goes mobile
- Clippable updated to remove source code line numbers
- Clippable to Evernote Snow Leopard Service
- Clippable