I made you a thing this morning. It’s called Bunch and it’s a utility for launching preconfigured groups of apps and documents.
Bunch sits in your Dock with no windows. When you right click it, you get a list of your “bunches,” and selecting one launches, well, a bunch of apps. It’s designed for starting a new “context” on your machine, e.g. a specific project, or just “work” or “play.”
Bunch can launch apps, open specific documents in an app, and load web urls. It’s pretty simple. I mean, I wrote it this morning in about an hour.
As a teaser/example, here’s what happens when I choose “nvUltra” from Bunch:
Launch MeisterTask
Launch Slack
Launch Xcode and open nvultra.xcodeproj
Launch Tower and open the nvUltra repo
Launch iTerm (if it isn’t already)
Launch Sublime Text and open the documentation project and the “themes” project