FYI, this project is listed as "retired." It may no longer function or I may
just not be updating it anymore.
Sideshow (previously Sidecar) is a minimalist-yet-oversized jacket for Simplify. Feel free to hack around with it, the source is available on GitHub.
Sideshow calculates screen size to provide a full-height jacket on any display. The width of the player, font sizes, etc. will all adjust to provide a fairly uniform experience across display sizes and types.
It calculates the length of the text for the artist and title displays, adapting the placements to show as much of possible of both.
Click anywhere on the jacket to toggle play/pause
Shift-click to skip to the next track
Command-click anywhere along the progress meter to set the play position
When hovering over the jacket, controls appear for previous track, play/pause, and next track
Here’s a slightly older video of (previous version, Sidecar) in action.