Recap: Apr 16th, 2014

Sponsor: PDFpen for iPad (Apr 10th) A big thanks to Smile for their continued support of If you work with PDFs (or just regularly need to digitally sign them), PDFpen is an amazing tool A Service for getting sums from selections (Apr 10th) This one got linked by LifeHacker and others. I didn’t realize it was going to be that handy for everyone else, too. Sum: PopClip extension (Apr 11th) The above service gets even more powerful when you stick it in PopClip and… otask, recap

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doing 0.2.5

Version 0.2.5 is a big update to my project. It’s so huge that I’m overwhelmed at the prospect of explaining it all. The project page is updated with all of the new commands and features, and you can run or to get more information on flags, switches and arguments. You can also see a summary of all the new features in the changelog. doing, productivity

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