The Markdown Service Tools–which already received one update today–just got a little bit of Chrome support. The “md - Links from Safari Tabs” now has a Chrome counterpart. At the time that I first wrote the Markdown Service Tools, Chrome didn’t support AppleScript well enough for this to be feasible, but opening up the AppleScript dictionary now reveals a full set of commands and objects. Nice to see.

I know there have been a lot of posts here today (at least compared to my average)… I’m on “vacation,” technically. I’m actually packing up boxes for a move to a new house over the next couple of days, and this is my OSHA break. I make no promises about keeping this rate of posting up!

Anyway, you can download the latest version of the Markdown Service Tools below, or see the project page for more information on all of the included services.

Download moved to project page.