If you’ve ever been curious about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies —and perhaps wondering how to make some money with them — my friend Andreas Zeitler from zCasting 3000 has a new video course documenting what he learned getting into Bitcoin and turning a profit.
bitcoin, giveaway, tutorial, video
So I’ve been conducting an experiment: using TextExpander for what it was originally designed for. I’ve slowly been building a set of shortcuts for common and already short words that I type frequently. Actually getting around to trying this was inspired by TextExpander’s recent addition of alerts when you type something enough times that it decides you might as well make a snippet for it.
experiments, snippet, textexpander, writing
MacPaw has announced that DevMate, their set of application developer tools, is merging with Paddle. This is exciting news, and a potential boon for any Mac developer.
developer, news
I’ve talked about this before, here and on my podcasts. Online reviews are a matter of life and death for an app or a business. (And, sadly, all review systems are broken in some way.) This infographic from Website Builder offers some stats that show I’m not crazy.
appreview, marketing
Alternate title for this post: “Fungyes”. You’ll get it in a second. If after reading this you’re still unsatisfied with the title, please provide your suggestions in the comments1. Make sure you read to the end to get the morel of the story. Again, you’ll get that in a sec.