My weather report. Seriously.

I did some massive Spring cleaning over the weekend, and found a lot of “treasures” that, after having been momentarily cherished, are on their way to the dump. A pile of Dead Kennedy’s and TCHC cassettes from High School that had been severely devastated by an extended stay in the garage, original vinyl pressings from some of my old bands, Phreak boxes, and more defunct electronics than I could possibly E-bay. Amongst all of it, though, I found a CD of work from my Interactive Multimedia… design, multimedia, personal, video

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Delicious bookmarks and OpenMeta tags

There are quite a few things I love when it comes to my Mac. I love Spotlight. I love OpenMeta tagging. I love Evernote. I love being able to collect information from any source, and find anything I’ve saved, anywhere, no matter what program I used to create it. I especially love programs that allow me to accomplish that. applescript, bookmarking, delicious, experiments, macos, openmeta, tagging, utility

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A few scripts for TaskPaper users

I’ve been using Things for task management lately, mostly because it has a decent iPad app. I really do love my iPad… however, I often use TaskPaper from Hog Bay Software for weekend to-do lists and for tracking bugs and fixes on my various freetime projects. I sometimes edit my TaskPaper files (which are just plain text) in TextMate and use some Ruby scripts adapted from the GTDAlt bundle to do some fun things, but I really like the interface you get when you actually use… applescript, gtd, macos, taskpaper, utility

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TextExpander experiments

I’ve seen a few people around the ‘net sharing their TextExpander snippets, so I thought I’d join in. Not familiar with TextExpander? It’s a Mac utility that expands short snippets into full text you’ve defined. There are quite a few programs that do text expansion (see Typinator), but TextExpander currently holds my heart because of its extra features such as shell scripting, completion suggestion and a new Fill dialog for variable input. css, email, experiments, html, lipsum, macos, markdown, ruby, scripting, service, snippet, snow leopard, textexpander, utility

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A System Service for to. url shortening

I’m fascinated by http://to. It’s a url shortener with no TLD. Some browsers, and apparently some DNS setups, don’t like the urls it creates (they want a .com or .org or anything at the end), so it’s not exactly in heavy usage. Still, I wish they had an API. In lieu of that, here’s a quick Ruby script that will run on a stock OS X install as a System Service. It’s so simple that I’m not even going to package it up… It’ll be a good chance to… service, shell, snow leopard, url shortener, utility

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A big upgrade for Instapaper Beyond

I just got back from a week-long “Code Jam” that was all business, all week, so I took a Saturday to work on some personal projects. Instapaper beyond 1.1 is out, and I’d love to hear some feedback on the new features. One of the major additions is a bit of mouse support. You can now click an article in your list to skip the highlighting to that point, and then perform the standard commands on it (open, move, archive, etc.). To that end, most of the links in the interface have also been… fluid, instapaper, instapaper beyond, userscript

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Compress PDFs with Preview

It’s probably old news to most, but I just realized this today. Since Leopard, OS X’s multi-talented can compress needlessly large PDF’s in a matter of seconds. My clients (and today, my mother) often export PDF’s from various programs that don’t flatten or compress images, ending up with files between 8M and 90M, in my experience. Obviously, when you’re building a website, you want to get filesize down as much as possible. I’ve always used… compression, leopard, pdf, quicktip, snow leopard

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Adding a TinyMCE button to Wordpress

I was working on a quick website for my wife, and trying to make things as simple as possible for both of us. For me, I just wanted to give her a flexible template that I didn’t have to hack much on (I went with Thesis), and for her, I wanted her to be able to start posting with a minimal learning curve. She just got a Flip, and wanted to start posting video. Since she was already posting to YouTube, I just wrote a quick shortcode in Thesis’ custom functions file that would take a… TinyMCE, Wordpress, functions.php

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