First, I’d like to thank everyone who’s responded to my “pledge drive.” It’s encouraging, and I appreciate all the new subscribers and the ideas that have been shared with me for adding value to the proposition!
marked, scripting
First, I’d like to thank everyone who’s been supporting me since I went independent. Every time I see the $3-12 monthly donations come in, I’m grateful for you.
personal, support
OnTop, a new calendar and task manager app, recently came out for iPhone. It offers natural language processing for creating new tasks, iOS Reminders integration with location based reminders, native notifications and alerts, and a clever interface with gesture-based actions.
appreview, appstore, giveaway, ios, iphone, productivity
Vox 2.1 with SoundCloud integration (Aug 2nd) I’m always excited to see what Vox will do next, and this release has some great new features. Shell tricks: Changelogs with Git (Aug 3rd) Create a changelog/release notes for your project with a few Git tricks. Shell Tricks: One Git Alias to Rule Them All (Aug 4th) Trying to remember what all you’ve aliased in your Git config? Marked 2.3.3 (Aug 4th) A pretty good update for Marked 2 came out this week for both MAS and direct…
You may already be familiar with the command in Darwin (OS X’s flavor of Unix). It allows you to open files and URLs in their default app or one that you specify. In its simplest form:
apps, editor, macos, scripting, shell, terminal
If you missed out, I still recommend that anyone in need of a powerful GUI for Git go check out Tower 2! Here’s my review of the latest version, in case you missed it.
git, giveaway, review
Man pages make Unix go ‘round. I can’t think of any system that’s better documented, and the answers are almost always right at your fingertips.
browser, documentation, git, terminal, tools
One of the features that TextExpander offers is the ability to nest snippets inside of one another. This has a lot of applications, but one of the handiest is the ability to separate commonly-used sections of snippets that are subject to change. Doing so allows you to update a single snippet and have all other snippets that reference that information update automatically.
marked, productivity, scripting, snippet, textexpander
Marked 2.3.3 is available for both direct and Mac App Store customers. Note that automatic updates for owners of the direct version are still broken due to some issues with sandboxing. This will be remedied in the near future, I just didn’t want to hold up this release while I sort it out. Download the version on the Marked 2 site and overwrite your current copy. Mac App Store users can update as usual, though it may take up to a couple more hours for the update to appear in the MAS for…