I’ve had a few requests from people who missed the first (limited) run of The Lab v2 t-shirts. I think there’s enough interest to do a small run, so if you missed out the first time around, now’s your chance.
apparel, marketing
Thanks again to Smile for supporting BrettTerpstra.com this week. Be sure to check out the great new videos from MacSparky which will show you PDFpen 7 more eloquently than I could!
This is the second half of the “My favorite stuff from 2014” that I started in January. It took me a while to get back to it, but here it is!
apps, macappstore, review
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Marked 2.4.11 is out in the updater for direct customers (MAS update coming, hopefully soon). It’s a leap forward in speed when analyzing text on large documents, fixes multiple bugs, and hopefully represents a significant improvement in stability for all customers.
markdown, marked, sale
Have you seen Workflow for iOS, but had reservations about digging into it? True to form, David Sparks has published a Workflow Video Field Guide packed with videos to not only help you get started, but turn you into Workflow master.
ios, review, video
As you probably know, I’m a fan of BitTorrent Sync. When it comes to fast file sharing, there are a few really good options (that almost all trump Dropbox for me), and Sync is one of the best. I’ve been beta testing version 2.0 and am excited to announce that it’s stable and available today!
review, sync
You’re a high schooler. You love music. You want to play music. Not marching band music, and orchestra isn’t cutting it for you. You want your own band.
music, personal
Thanks to Paddle for sponsoring BrettTerpstra.com this week. I use Paddle for Marked 2 and it’s been so good that I’m planning to use it for a couple of (secret and not-so-secret) upcoming apps. I just integrated the new analytics features, and with two lines of code I’m receiving opt-in analytics info that’s helping me make solid development and marketing decisions.