SummerFest 2015, a festival of artisanal software, is sponsoring this week to let you know about this year’s selection of amazing (my words) software from developers who care about their craft.

This is great software for writing, thinking, researching, and organizing. At 25% off, they’re a steal.

Save 25% on a some of the longest-standing, top-tier professional tools for the Macintosh: Scrivener, Tinderbox, DEVONthink, Nisus, and more. These apps are powerful, and they work even better together. Each brings strong opinions and careful craftsmanship to help you discover, visualize, organize, and create. 

Summer’s the time for new plans, fresh projects, and great new ideas. Whether you’re mapping out your next novel, finishing your dissertation, planning a product, or writing memoirs to pass on through generations, these tools will make the process simpler and the final product outstanding.

  • DEVONthink Pro Office:  your Mac’s paperless office
  • Nisus Writer Pro:  the powerful word processor for OS X
  • Scrivener:  your complete studio for growing your ideas and writing in style
  • Tinderbox: the tool for connected notes
  • Bookends:  the reference manager you’ve been looking for
  • Aeon Timeline: the timeline tool for creative thinking
  • Take Control:  Guides for everything Mac and iOS, with the answers you need to get your work done