I’ve updated the icon grabber script to allow you to specify what type of application you’re looking for, be it iPhone, iPad or Mac. In case you’re not familiar, this script uses the iTunes API to locate the highest resolution icon for an application based on a search query. It previously always assumed “iPad.”

Just include “#iphone,” “#ipad,” or “#mac” in your query string to search the respective platform (defaults to iPad). It also works with “@” if you’re using unquoted arguments in a shell. The string can appear anywhere in the query and will be stripped out before processing. The resulting filename will now include “_iphone,” “_ipad,” or “_mac” in the filename.

itunesicon.rb "omnifocus #mac"

For example, or…

itunesicon.rb @ipad tiny wings

I’ve also updated the Automator app version with this update, download it at the end of this post.

The Gist has been updated with the new features, you can grab it here.

ItunesIcon v2.4

An application for quickly retrieving the high-res icon for any Mac or iOS apps.

Published 02/15/14.

Updated 09/01/21. Changelog

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