I updated the Markdown Service Tools today to include some recently-developed services and some revisions to existing services.
Notably, Force Line Breaks has become Preserve Line Breaks, a slightly more elegant service for getting github-style linebreaks in your documents. If you have a block of text with hard returns in it…
this is a line
this is a line following a hard return
(Multi)Markdown will generally concatenate those into a single paragraph. This service looks for these and adds the two spaces at the end of the line required to convert it into a <br>
and preserve your formatting.
Lucky Link is now Auto-link web search, the same idea but it functions a little better. Select some text and run it to get a Markdown link to the top result from a web search for that text.
There are a couple of inclusions, such as cleanup scripts for tables and lists, and minor revisions for other commands. Download it from the Markdown Services project page.