I store all of my writing as separate Markdown files. A basic tagging system adds more “searchability,” and I can quickly locate any file with Spotlight. Given the amount of time I spend in Terminal (well, iTerm 2 these days), I use mdfind
quite a bit to do the Spotlight searching. This function just makes it a little more convenient to search for and quickly edit an existing document.
By default, it looks in a Dropbox “Writing” folder, but you can adjust that to restrict to any folder at the top of the script. You can also set your edit command there (mate
, mvim
, vim
, etc.). Then it takes all arguments and uses them as a Spotlight search, restricted to your writing folder and the Markdown filetype, and offers you a quick menu of matches. Selecting a match opens the file with your preferred editor. If there’s only one match, it’s opened automatically.
It’s written as a function to be included in your .bash_profile (or sourced from there). If you want to run it as a shell script, just remove the edmd () {
at the top and the closing }
, put it in your path and run chmod a+x filename
Once it’s installed you can just type edmd keyword
to find posts and drafts related to keyword. You can use multiple words (no quotes required) and prefixes like “keyword:” or “tag:”, just like a Spotlight query.
# Edit Markdown File from Writing directory
# Finds Markdown files matching a Spotlight-style search query
# If there's more than one, you get a menu
edmd () {
filelist=$(mdfind -onlyin "$WRITINGDIR" "($@) AND kind:markdown")
listlength=$(mdfind -onlyin "$WRITINGDIR" -count "($@) AND kind:markdown")
if [[ $listlength > 0 ]]; then
if [[ $listlength == 1 ]]; then
$EDITCMD $filelist
PS3='Edit which file? (1 to cancel): '
select OPT in "Cancel" $filelist; do
if [ $OPT != "Cancel" ]; then
return 1
return 0