This is a bugfix release of Instapaper Beyond for Safari which brings the version up to 1.8.6. It fixes a few visual glitches, but most importantly it restores the functionality of the text style menu at the top of a read page, allowing you to set and remember the font, size, width and line spacing of your text view.

I actually ended up rewriting the existing javascript as a module in Instapaper Beyond, so there’s the possibility of easily extending it to handle more options. Background color, more fonts, etc. We’ll see how far I get with that. My next order of business is to get it to work with some of the existing userstyles out there, but time has been tight for me when it comes to these side projects. I’ll keep you posted.

If you have Instapaper Beyond installed, it should show up in your updates (or be updated automatically, depending on your settings). If you want to download the extension, please use the link below. For more information on Instapaper Beyond, see the original post for the Safari Release.

More info.