Find your iOS text editor: iTextEditors updates

I created the iTextEditors comparison chart (for iOS text editors, obviously) back in 2012. I’ve made some improvements over the years, and kept it up to date thanks to help from readers. I made a change to the chart today that (as a side effect) made it really easy for me to see what apps were no longer available. So I’ve edited it down to only 78 apps to choose from… Oh, and I finally updated the logo, no more iOS 7 keyboard on it. itexteditors

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A Bolognese from The Lab

I may have mentioned my recent deep dive into cooking before. It’s been a fun journey, I’ve learned a lot, and actually lost a lot of weight on the way (but mostly because of exercise…). I most enjoy complex, time-consuming recipes as they have room for experimentation and a little room for error followed by a great feeling of satisfaction when it actually goes right. Oh, and an amazing meal. cooking, recipe

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