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bookmarks, fonts
MacPaw has released a new version of their excellent macOS cleanup and optimization tool: CleanMyMac X. I wrote it up for Lifehacker so I won’t go into full detail here, but there are some cool new features I’d like to highlight:
appreview, macos, review
This is a post about keyboards. Well, about one keyboard, but we’ll probably go through a bunch to get there. It’s going to be long, and some of my less Tinder-profile-worthy personality traits will probably become obvious, but we can get there together.
hacks, hardware, hyper, keyboard, macos, reading, review, shortcuts, writing
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I’ve kept my promise of shipping smaller updates to Marked 2 more frequently. Marked is now at 2.5.21, so here’s a rundown of what’s new in the last 5 updates.
marked, support
I’ve added a few new shortcuts to my astounding1 collection of macOS keybindings. You can check them all out on the project page (and, if needed, figure out what the heck I’m talking about), but here’s what’s new.
keybindings, macos, shortcuts, text