The nvUltra private beta now has about 500 users putting it through its paces, and is rapidly nearing readiness for shipping. There are still a few major hurdles to jump through, and we’re sifting through user feedback — deciding what’s a valid feature request and what needs further clarification in our driving philosophy. I can’t put a solid date on release yet, but I have fond hopes of a late August release. Much to do before then, though, and you probably know how my…
keyboard, markdown, nvalt, nvultra, search, simplenote
Thanks to MacUpdater for sponsoring this week! I started using it recently and found it to be a good replacement for MacUpdate Desktop. It finds everything and is smart and safe about installing updates. Happy to have them on board!
Elle and I got back from Macstock 2019 (a.k.a. Macstock 5) on Monday. We stayed an extra day to spend some time in Woodstock, the wonderful little Illinois town that is host to Macstock (or close enough, it’s actually in nearby Crystal Lake).
macstock, personal
A while back I switched this site into high-privacy mode, switching to SSL and removing Google analytics and click-based advertising. I’ve been happy with the results, including using Fathom for analytics.
personal, privacy, security
The revamped Killotron Giveaway Robot functioned flawlessly all the way up until actually sending out the emails; it made me do the final stretch by hand, so we’ll call that “mostly” successful with a bit to fix for next time.
giveaway, keyboard
Thanks to TextExpander for sponsoring this week! TextExpander from Smile continues to be my most-used app on my Mac, and it’s a huge timesaver on my iOS devices. It’s an honor to have Smile’s continued support!
snippet, sponsor, textexpander
I saw a great response to my post about MacSparky’s Keyboard Maestro Field Guide, and David was kind enough to provide some promo codes for a giveaway. If you haven’t checked it out, it contains everything you need to know to get started and dive deep with the Mac automation utility Keyboard Maestro.
automation, giveaway, keyboard, tutorial, video
After talking about it with the panel on a recent Mac Show appearance (pretty sure this part of the conversation happened during technical difficulties), I pulled out my Griffin PowerMate. The older USB one. While I did upgrade to the Bluetooth version, I still like the USB one better1. For various reasons, I’d replaced it with my Shuttle Xpress on my desk, but I found space to comfortably use both and set about re-configuring the actions on it.
automation, desktop, macos, office, ruby, scripting, shell is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees when linking to and affiliated sites.
Happy Independence Day to my US readers. I’m not doing any parades, nor running any special discounts on my apps. Just a silly post.
keyboard, macos, quicktip, search