Stuff I’m Using in 2023

I just wanted to take a moment once again to point you to my “Stuff I Use” page on this site. It’s a bunch of my favorite tools and services with whom I have affiliate agreements, meaning if you try them and also love them, I get a little bit of the money you pay for them. Doesn’t cost you any extra; it’s a marketing cost for the developers. review

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PopClip extensions and modifier keys

I mentioned in a recent post that I was getting unexpected behavior when using modifier keys with PopClip. Quite a few of my PopClip extensions provide alternate actions when triggered while holding down Control, Shift, Command, or Option. But as of recent versions of PopClip, holding down Option is a global shortcut that displays the result in the PopClip bar, and holding Shift forces the result to copy to the clipboard instead of pasting, overriding extension preferences. extension, keyboard, popclip

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