Just Your Average Project Update and Wellness Check-in

I’ve done a lot of coding in the last two weeks. Playing with projects, adding features, fixing bugs, writing tests. I’ve done a lot of learning Vim (I’m writing this post in Vim, I think I like it). Some day I’ll feel like I’ve learned something in Vim that would actually surprise anybody and I’ll write it up. For now, I’m just playing catch up. bunch, fish, howzit, personal, quickquestion, tools, vim, writing

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A New Jekyll Plugin for Handling Beta Documentation

I’ve added a new Jekyll plugin to my repository called Availability. It lets you mark sections of documentation based on their availability in different software builds. This post will be short as I’ve already documented it pretty well in the README, plus it will likely be of use to literally nobody but me, as it would only be useful to people running Jekyll-based documentation sites about a single Mac app that has a public beta program, which is a pretty limited audience. beta, documentation, jekyll, marked, plugin, writing

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Let’s Get Crazy With BetterTouchTool and Touch Bar Simulator

I’ve recently put some1 time into making a Touch Bar “dashboard” using BetterTouchTool. I know, the first thing you thought when you read that was “but Apple is discontinuing the Touch Bar!” Let me explain. Or try to. I almost didn’t write this post because I was worried it would indicate mental instability of some kind2. But how could I call myself a “Mac Mad Scientist” if things didn’t get a little crazy? We’re all mad here, right? automation, bettertouchtool, bunch, doing, gestures, howzit, icons, keyboard, launchbar, macos, network, scripting, shortcuts, status, weather, where

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