I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite apps from 2011. I wrote a TextMate command to link all of these1 (60+ links in four minutes!), so if you spot any misfire links that I missed, let me know in the comments. This isn’t an all-inclusive list (despite its length), but it’s a good chance to highlight some gems that may have passed under the radar of the big sites.
apps, roundup
Well, here it is: my last Geeklet post of 2011. I think it’s the simplest Geeklet I have, but it’s kind of fun. It uses the I ♥ Quotes API to put a random quote on your desktop.
geeklet, geektool, nerdtool
We’re having a low-key holiday this year. I mean really low-key. Aditi’s napping on the couch, the dogs are all sleeping, the cats and the bird are lazily preening themselves and I just fixed Markdown QuickTags.
Wordpress, markdown, mdqt, plugin, quicktags
VoodooPad is a powerful note-collecting, wikifying, productivity machine. With the right scripts, you can make just about anything happen, at least within the realm of text, images and web pages. VoodooPad has a built in web server, and can export your notebook as a full website, with links intact. I like the web export the best, because it gives me a crazy amount of control over the output. To that end, I built a website using nothing but VoodooPad, hopped up on some custom scripts. I can…
voodoopad, webdesign, wiki
As I’ve mentioned before, I keep todo.taskpaper files in my web and code project folders. These allow me to keep track of bugs, ideas, notes, etc., and the archive it creates helps me remember what I did, when I did it and how it worked. I like having them separated per project; it’s the way my one-track mind works. I like the plain-text format because I can use any variety of methods (including TaskPaper itself) to manipulate and quickly update the files. This gave me the idea to…
productivity, scripting, taskpaper, terminal
Marked 1.3.2 is up and includes all of the features I mentioned a couple of days ago. If you already have Marked, open up the App Store and check for updates. If you’ve been waiting to pick up a copy, now’s a good time!