Running a website with VoodooPad

VoodooPad is a powerful note-collecting, wikifying, productivity machine. With the right scripts, you can make just about anything happen, at least within the realm of text, images and web pages. VoodooPad has a built in web server, and can export your notebook as a full website, with links intact. I like the web export the best, because it gives me a crazy amount of control over the output. To that end, I built a website using nothing but VoodooPad, hopped up on some custom scripts. I can… voodoopad, webdesign, wiki

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na: per-project todos in Terminal

As I’ve mentioned before, I keep todo.taskpaper files in my web and code project folders. These allow me to keep track of bugs, ideas, notes, etc., and the archive it creates helps me remember what I did, when I did it and how it worked. I like having them separated per project; it’s the way my one-track mind works. I like the plain-text format because I can use any variety of methods (including TaskPaper itself) to manipulate and quickly update the files. This gave me the idea to… productivity, scripting, taskpaper, terminal

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