LiveReload addendum

I thought a couple of additional discoveries after my LiveReload review yesterday were worth mentioning in a second post. First, Andrey Tarantsov (the developer) stopped by the post and let me know that the planned price is US $9.99 when it gets to the App Store. He’s charging almost exactly what I think will value his work but not freak out potentially valuable customers. I’m excited to purchase the final release. appreview, webdesign

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Read & Trust

I am proud (and humbled) to announce that I’ve been included in the Read & Trust network. Founded by Aaron Mahnke, Read & Trust is a group of writers who have been carefully selected as trustworthy beacons of news and opinions. The ranks include my good friends Dave Caolo and David Chartier, along with many bloggers I admire, such as Patrick Rhone, Ben Brooks, Brett Kelly, Shawn Blanc, and Marco Arment. This is a great privilege! blogging, readandtrust, writing

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