Since publishing my first article on tagging and appearing on MacPowerUsers, I’ve been asked many times for more specifics on my tagging system. I’ll start by telling you that I don’t have all of the answers; what I’m sharing here is what I’ve learned after a few years of constant tagging.
openmeta, spotlight, tagging, work
I’ve been working with Jonathan Poritsky, Stu Maschwitz and Martin Vilcans on bringing Stu’s Screenplay Markdown proposal to Marked. It may eventually be incorporated directly into Marked, but for now we have a working solution as a custom processor/custom CSS combination.
marked, spmd
I just stumbled upon another keybinding tip from Jacob Rus1. It allows you to enter a numeric string before running a text command and repeat the command the specified number of times2. Emacs and Vim do it… turns out that any Cocoa text field can, too. The tip is from 2006, so this is old news, but still new to me.
cocoa, keybindings, quicktip, text, vim
I thought a couple of additional discoveries after my LiveReload review yesterday were worth mentioning in a second post. First, Andrey Tarantsov (the developer) stopped by the post and let me know that the planned price is US $9.99 when it gets to the App Store. He’s charging almost exactly what I think will value his work but not freak out potentially valuable customers. I’m excited to purchase the final release.
appreview, webdesign
I linked LiveReload on Twitter the day I discovered it, but I haven’t given it a truly thorough test until tonight. Suffice to say I was impressed enough to take some time out to write it up.
appreview, macos, webdesign
I am proud (and humbled) to announce that I’ve been included in the Read & Trust network. Founded by Aaron Mahnke, Read & Trust is a group of writers who have been carefully selected as trustworthy beacons of news and opinions. The ranks include my good friends Dave Caolo and David Chartier, along with many bloggers I admire, such as Patrick Rhone, Ben Brooks, Brett Kelly, Shawn Blanc, and Marco Arment. This is a great privilege!
blogging, readandtrust, writing
This is the last of this run of Thanksgiving giveaways. There will be more soon, I promise, but Smile was generous enough to donate–in addition to the TextExpander licenses I gave away yesterday–three codes for PDFpen as well. I don’t usually run giveaways on apps I haven’t specifically reviewed, so I’ll try to roll both together here.
appreview, giveaway, macappstore, macos, productivity
I was invited to join Terry and Myke on the Bro Show this week. It was great to meet them (digitally) and we had a really fun chat. Be sure to check it out!
interview, podcast, quicklink