I’m a little late posting this, but hey, it’s been a very busy day. I decided to cast the Systematic net a little wider this week, stepping out of straight tech and into organic farming. It’s about as far from the typical tech job as you can imagine: all mud and sweat, and only the occasional smartphone. My guest Chris Blanchard of Flying Rutabaga Works brings GTD and tech to other farmers. It’s awesome.
podcast, systematic
I’m honored to be included in a selective search engine called NerdQuery, put together by Gabe Weatherhead (MacDrifter) and designed by Erik Hess (@themindfulbit) of high90. With a custom-built index honed for accurate searches, NerdQuery scans across a few of the nerdiest sites to find the post you’re looking for:
One of my all-time favorite utilities on the Mac is BetterTouchTool, an app that expands the capabilities of your trackpad, Magic Mouse and/or keyboard with a wide variety of configurable gestures and actions. Andreas Hegenberg has just released a companion iPhone app called BTT Remote ($1.99) that makes your iPhone part of the fun, too.
appreview, ios, iphone, utility
This is going to be quick. I plan to make Pro HDR a pick of the week on Systematic, so I’ll elaborate more then, but I thought it was worth a pointer for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.
appreview, ios, ipad, iphone, photography
Systematic episode 17 is live. I was joined by Kristian Carter, a freelance technologist and copywriter out of London, U.K. It was a fun chat about iPad minis, social networking and a tangent that ends up comparing P90X to a religion. Or maybe a cult. Entirely my fault.
podcast, systematic
I added a couple of simple TextExpander snippets to the Tools set. The first pair grabs the current (foreground) url from Chrome or Safari and inserts it, the second pair does the same but shortens with Bit.ly.
snippet, textexpander, tools
David Sparks was kind enough to fill in on short notice for today’s episode, and we had a great talk about time management, stress (or lack of), Markdown note-taking and more. The top three picks for the week were, as always, a blast and I think everyone will find something useful in there.
podcast, systematic
Coughbutton, my podcaster’s iPhone-based cough button for your Mac, has been upgraded to 1.3 and undergone a major switcharoo. It now works with Skype (and, by default, only with Skype), which is all I really needed anyway.
podcast, scripting