Systematic #18 with Chris Blanchard

I’m a little late posting this, but hey, it’s been a very busy day. I decided to cast the Systematic net a little wider this week, stepping out of straight tech and into organic farming. It’s about as far from the typical tech job as you can imagine: all mud and sweat, and only the occasional smartphone. My guest Chris Blanchard of Flying Rutabaga Works brings GTD and tech to other farmers. It’s awesome. podcast, systematic

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Ask the nerds: NerdQuery

I’m honored to be included in a selective search engine called NerdQuery, put together by Gabe Weatherhead (MacDrifter) and designed by Erik Hess (@themindfulbit) of high90. With a custom-built index honed for accurate searches, NerdQuery scans across a few of the nerdiest sites to find the post you’re looking for: search

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