Bash completion for Mac app aliases

I have a slew of aliases that launch various apps. Quite a few of them launch apps that I generally only use with one type of file. Xcode and TaskPaper, for example. I wanted a completion system that would find just the applicable files in the directory. In most cases with these apps there’s only one file per project, so being able to type and hit tab to open the file for the current project is handy. scripting, terminal

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Mavericks tags, Spotlight and Terminal

I’ve actually begun work on a book about tagging, and Mavericks in particular. It’s a subject I truly enjoy, and so far it’s kind of been writing itself. I hope to wrap it up faster than some of my other side projects. Bits that I think aren’t mass-consumable enough for publication will end up here, where my gentle readers can decide for themselves if they want to do anything with it. macos, tagging, terminal

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Speedier file tagging in Mavericks

As you might expect, I’m enthusiastically exploring Mavericks’ file tagging. I looked into the state of the OpenMeta transition yesterday and found that many of the best OpenMeta tagging apps already have reasonable solutions, including Hazel, HoudahSpot, Leap and Yep. There are a few others that I’m not certain will ever get updates, but I have word that my favorite, Tags, should be getting some serious love soon. finder, macos, tagging, tips

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