Quick Tip: manual autocorrect on OS X

This tip from Macworld is a fun one for writers. It’s about how you can manually trigger the autocorrect popup in Cocoa text fields by hitting space after a misspelled word and then moving the caret backward to the edge of the word. After a very short delay, the suggestion popover (only in the most recent versions of OS X) will appear and you can use arrow keys and enter to choose one. Dismiss it with escape. It avoids the entire process of right clicking and choosing a correction from… keyboard, macos, productivity, quicktip, writing

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The atomic solution for Keep In Dock on Mavericks

I lamented on Twitter and App.net that my Dock was no longer respecting “Keep in Dock,” and hadn’t for a while now. It turned out I was far from alone; I heard from a lot of people having the same experience. One friend, Thomas Brand, offered a simple solution: delete the Dock preferences. It stung a bit — it’s the equivalent of “did you try rebooting?” — but it worked and I’m grateful. macos, solutions, tips

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