Recap: Jun 04th, 2014

Sponsor: Infragistics (May 29th) Thanks to Infragistics and the NucliOS framework for sponsoring this week. iOS developers, you really should check this out. Marked 2 sneak peek: bookmarks and navigation (Jun 3rd) This has already been refined a bit, but this preview of one of the new features in Marked 2 is, in my opinion, prety cool. The sweet giveaways continue: ScreenFloat (Jun 3rd) The ScreenFloat giveaway runs until Sunday, enter now! recap

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The sweet giveaways continue: ScreenFloat

ScreenFloat is another indispensible Mac utility from the author of Yoink. It allows you to capture any part of your screen and quickly turn it into a floating window that you can reference while you work in other applications. I use it frequently to grab specs from a web page while I’m writing about something, preventing me from having to switch back to the browser should my mind lose a bit of the information. giveaway, macappstore, macos

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Recap: May 28th, 2014

Sponsor: OmniFocus 2 for Mac (May 22nd) A big thanks to Omni for sponsoring this week. OmniFocus 2 has a lot to offer! Markdown: here, let me show you (May 23rd) My video tutorial on Markdown is available now, check the post for a discount code! Because it’s my day off: just breathe (May 26th) My plecostomus fish was enjoying memorial day, so I made a video. It’s goofy, but I like it. Mirror your MindMeister maps to nvALT (May 27th) This is how I&rsquo… recap

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