If you use Cheaters, you may also be the type of person who uses Sketch. If so, you’ll appreciate the addition of a cheatsheet for Sketch Shortcuts, based on the tables provided at Sketch Shortcuts.
cheaters, cheatsheet
I know I’ve been a bit slower on posting the madness from the lab lately. I’ve been working on more and more larger projects that have two results on my blogging: I don’t have as much time to document smaller tricks and tips to an extent where I’m comfortable posting, and I’m not finishing as many shorter-term projects to woo you with. I think the end results of the things I’m working on will be of interest to many of you, but they’re taking some time1.
personal, support
This post is about a simple trick for printing a horizontal rule in the Terminal, but I would like to start by saying that the headline is not entirely an attempt at humor. I spent a long time working with the limitations of , with its annoyances and inconsistencies between shells. Then I started using more, and it’s made string formatting and terminal output so much simpler. Check out the man page (and some more info on format strings)if you’re not already familiar with it.
bash, scripting, shell, terminal
Guess what? This is the 100th project (see?) I’ve made available for download on this blog. I don’t know what that means in the grand scheme of things, but I feel like I should celebrate.
macos, markdown, markdownservices, service, titler
I’ve written about Tally from Agile Tortoise before, expressing my affection for its intuitive interface and utility. Tally 2 is out today, looking great and taking advantage of new iOS 8 features.
appreview, appstore, ipad, iphone
Once upon a time, there was a fun personal database app for Mac called Bento (from FileMaker). It’s been a long time since Bento was discontinued and there’s been a several-year gap since we’ve seen a good replacement. Push Popcorn’s Records was released today, and it looks like a strong contender for that title.
appreview, macos
Web excursions brought to you in partnership with CleanMyMac X, all the tools to speed up your Mac, in one app.
automator, bookmarks, programming, scripting
Marked 2.4.10 is out for direct customers and has been submitted to the Mac App Store for review. It fixes some bugs that were introduced when I started working on optimizing rendering speed, improves on existing features, and adds a few new ones.
markdown, marked