Series: “Bash Fun”
- fk: a useful bash function
- fk: redux
- Address Book search and Skype from the command line
- A Bash function for Markdown bloggers
- oft: Bash function for opening a specific filetype
- na: per-project todos in Terminal
- A simple but handy Bash function: console
- A warm, fuzzy, file-finding feeling
- Overthinking it: fast bundle ID retrieval for Mac apps
- Matrix(ish): a bash script with no practical application
- Quick Tip: Jumping to the Finder location in Terminal
- More command line handiness
- A multi-purpose EDITOR variable
- A few more of my favorite Bash aliases
- Bash image tools for web designers
- Easily save that wicked awesome shell command
- Mavericks tags, Spotlight and Terminal
- Bash completion for Mac app aliases
- Bash and Dash
- Making my tmux life easier
- up: fuzzy navigation up a directory tree
- tmux even easier: tm with fuzzy completion
- (Potentially) funny random filenames for Bash scripts
- Making cd in bash a little better
- Shell tricks: Changelogs with Git
- Shell Tricks: One Git Alias to Rule Them All
- Shell Tricks: man pages
- Shell tricks: the OS X open command
- Shell tricks: A time to kill
- The "Shell Tricks" video course
- Preview the OS X clipboard in Terminal
- sizeup: tidy filesize information in Terminal
- Shell trick: printf rules
- Shell tricks: sort a Bash array by length
- Intrepid command line directory traversal
- OS X shell tricks: speaking in tongues
- A universal clipboard command for Bash
- Shell Tricks: .inputrc binding fun
- Shell Tricks: convert file urls to UNIX paths
- Shell Tricks: Quick line numbering
- Shell Tricks: list files with most text matches
- Shell Tricks: shorten every line of output
- Shell Tricks: halp -- a universal help tool
- Logr: logging/debugging utility for Bash scripts
- A few new shell tricks
- Shell Tricks: what to do when you can't do internet
- Shell Tricks: quick start scripts
- Shell Tricks: Autocompleting system sound names on the command line
- Shell Tricks: Toggling Dark Mode from Terminal
- Shell Tricks: instant wildcard directory search
- sizes: better disk usage reporting in Terminal
- Shell Tricks: a random selection