To render images, you need imgcat or chafa installed (brew install chafa).
For syntax highlighting, the pygmentize command must be available, part of the Pygments package (brew install pygments).
mdless [options] path or cat [path] | mdless
The pager used is determined by system configuration in this order of preference:
-c, --[no-]color Colorize output (default on)
-d, --debug LEVEL Level of debug messages to output (1-4, 4 to see all messages)
-h, --help Display this screen
-i, --images=TYPE Include [local|remote (both)|none] images in output (requires chafa or imgcat, default none).
-I, --all-images Include local and remote images in output (requires imgcat or chafa)
-l, --list List headers in document and exit
-p, --[no-]pager Formatted output to pager (default on)
-P Disable pager (same as --no-pager)
-s, --section=NUMBER[,NUMBER] Output only a headline-based section of the input (numeric from --list)
-t, --theme=THEME_NAME Specify an alternate color theme to load
-@, --at_tags Highlight @tags and values in the document
-v, --version Display version number
-w, --width=COLUMNS Column width to format for (default: terminal width)
--[no-]autolink Convert bare URLs and emails to <links>
--[no-]inline_footnotes Display footnotes immediately after the paragraph that references them
--[no-]intra-emphasis Parse emphasis inside of words (e.g. Mark_down_)
--[no-]lax-spacing Allow lax spacing
--links=FORMAT Link style ([inline, reference, paragraph], default inline,
"paragraph" will position reference links after each paragraph)
--[no-]linebreaks Preserve line breaks
--[no-]syntax Syntax highlight code blocks
--taskpaper=OPTION Highlight TaskPaper format (true|false|auto)
--update_config Update the configuration file with new keys and current command line options
--[no-]wiki-links Highlight [[wiki links]]
The first time mdless is run, a config file will be written to ~/.config/mdless/config.yml, based on the command line options used on the first run. Update that file to make any options permanent (config options will always be overridden by command line flags).
The :at_tags setting determines whether @tags will be highlighted. If this is enabled, colors will be pulled from the at_tags settings in the theme.
:autolink will determine whether bare urls are turned into <self-linking> urls.
:color will enable or disable all coloring.
:inline_footnotes will determine the placement of footnotes. If true, footnotes will be added directly after the element that refers to them.
:intra_emphasis will determine whether words containing underscores are rendered as italics or not.
:lax_spacing determines whether a blank line is required around HTML elements.
:links can be inline, reference, or paragraph. Paragraph puts reference links directly after the graf that refers to them.
:local_images determines whether local images are processed using chafa or imgcat (whichever is available). :remote_images does the same for images referenced with web urls. If :remote_images is true, then :local_images is automatically enabled.
:pager turns on or off pagination using less or closest available substitute.
:preserve_linebreaks determines whether hard breaks within paragraphs are preserved. When converting to HTML, most Markdown processors will cause consecutive lines to be merged together, which is the default behavior for mdless. Turning this option on will cause lines to remain hard wrapped.
:syntax_highlight will turn on/off syntax highlighting of code blocks (requires Pygments)
:taskpaper determines whether a file is rendered as a TaskPaper document. This can be set to :auto to have TaskPaper detected from extension or content.
:theme allows you to specify an alternate theme. See Customization below.
:width allows you to permanantly set a width for wrapping of lines. If the width specified is greater than the available columns of the display, the display columns will be used instead.
:wiki_links determines whether [[wiki links]] will be highlighted. If highlighted, colors are pulled from the link section of the theme.
On first run a default theme file will be placed in ~/.config/mdless/mdless.theme. You can edit this file to modify the colors mdless uses when highlighting your files. You can copy this file and create multiple theme options which can be specified with the -t NAME option. For example, create ~/.config/mdless/brett.theme and then call mdless -t brett
Colors are limited to basic ANSI codes, with support for bold, underline, italics (if available for the terminal/font), dark and bright, and foreground and background colors.
Customizeable settings are stored in YAML format. A chunk of the settings file looks like this:
h1:color:b intense_black on_whitepad:d black on_whitepad_char:"="
Font and color settings are set using a string of color names and modifiers. A typical string looks like b red on_white, which would give you a bold red font on a white background. In the YAML settings file there’s no need for quotes, just put the string following the colon for the setting.
You can also use 3 or 6-digit hex codes in place of color names. These can be prefixed with bg or on_ to affect background colors, e.g. bgFF0ACC. The codes are case-insensitive and can be combined with emphasis modifiers like b or u.
Some extra (non-color) settings are available for certain keys, e.g. pad_char to define the right padding character used on level 1 and 2 headlines. Note that you can change the Pygments theme used for syntax highlighting with the code_block.pygments_theme setting. For a list of available styles (assuming you have Pygments installed), use pygmentize -L styles.
The display of characters around emphasis and code spans can be configured. By default, the surrounding character for bold is **, italic is _, and code span is a backtick. You can leave these keys empty to not display characters at all. For triple-emphasized text, the text will be surrounded by italic and bold characters, in that order.
emphasis:bold:bbold_character:"**"italic:u iitalic_character:""bold-italic:b u icode_span:marker:b whitecolor:b white on_intense_blackcharacter:""
Note: the ANSI escape codes are reset every time the color changes, so, for example, if you have a key that defines underlines for the url in a link, the underline will automatically be removed when it gets to a bracket. This also means that if you define a background color, you’ll need to define it again on all the keys that it should affect.
Base colors:
b (bold)
d (dark)
i (italic)
u (underline)
r (reverse, negative)
To modify the emphasis, use ‘b’ (bold), ‘i’ (italic), ‘u’ (underline), e.g. u yellow for underlined yellow. These can be combined, e.g. b u red.
Use ‘r’ to reverse foreground and background colors. r white on_black would display as black on_white. ‘r’ alone will reverse the current color set for a line.
To set a background color, use on_[color] with one of the 8 colors. This can be used with foreground colors in the same setting, e.g. white on_black.
Use ‘d’ (dark) to indicate the darker version of a foreground color. On macOS (and possibly other systems) you can use the brighter version of a color by prefixing with “intense”, e.g. intense_red or on_intense_black.
Ranger is a file manager that allows for quick navigation in the file hierarchy. A preview can be displayed for various file types. See docs at
mdless can be used in Ranger to preview Markdown and Taskpaper.
Ranger is installed with brew install ranger.
With ranger --copy-config=scope the configuration file for previews is created in the directory ~/.config/ranger.
The configuration file is already preconfigured. The following can be inserted above html to use mdless.
fzf is a tool for selecting files and other menu options with typeahead fuzzy matching. You can set up mdless as a previewer when selecting Markdown or TaskPaper files.
function cat -d "Use bat instead of cat unless it's a Markdown file, then use mdless"
set -l exts md markdown txt taskpaper
if not test -f $argv[-1]
echo "File not found: $argv[-1]"
return 0
if contains (get_ext $argv[-1]) $exts
mdless $argv
command bat --style plain --theme OneHalfDark $argv
Note that if you do this, and you need uncolored output to pipe somewhere, you’ll need to use command cat FILE to revert to the built-in cat. Otherwise your text will be full of the escape codes that mdless uses to colorize the output.
Similar Projects
There are a few great options for Markdown viewing in the Terminal. If mdless doesn’t do it for you, check out:
Transclude documents with {{filename}}, nesting allowed, “transclude base:” metadata respected (even in YAML)
Metadata can be used in [%key] format to have it replaced in the output based on metadata values
Fix release pipeline to get version number correct in git release
Changelog mismatch
TaskPaper file with metadata causing negative argument error
Remove <br> from metadata
YAML metadata and negative line lengths
»»»> release/2.1.30
Spaces on a line separating metadata won’t break display
Preserve line breaks in metadata
Failure to display metadata fixed
Remove debugging statement
Fix list indentation when nesting
Better regex for highlighting raw HTML
Indentation in highlighted code blocks
HTML Tag highlighting breaking pre/post color conversion
Spinner while processing to indicate working
Image links can now be converted to reference format, with correct coloring
Render image links before reference link conversion
Code block prefix configurable, can be left empty to make more copyable code blocks
Remove empty lines from block quotes
Infinite loop when calculating ANSI emphasis
Don’t accept colors or semicolons inside of @tag names
–update-theme option to add any missing keys to your theme file
Strip ul_char of any spaces before inserting
Dedup and remove empty escape codes before output
Tables losing column alignment
Unneccessarily long table cells
In addition to color names, you can now use 3 or 6-digit hex codes, prefix with “bg” or “on_” to affect background color
Better highlighting of h1/h2 when header contains a link
List items with multiple paragraphs incorrectly highlighted
Respect :width setting in config
Update readme with config descriptions
Code blocks containing YAML with --- as the first line were being interpreted as Setext headers
Line breaks being consumed when matching tags for highlighting
When converting to reference links, catch links that have been wrapped
Subsequent tables inheriting first table’s column count
--section can take string arguments to be fuzzy matched against headlines
Code refactoring
TaskPaper formatting now responds to –section with string matches
TaskPaper formatting now responds to –list to list projects
TaskPaper auto detection double checks content by removing all projects and tasks and seeing if there’s anything left before deciding it’s not TaskPaper content
Extra line break before headers
Wrap block quotes to max width
Missing first headline in output
Long links that were wrapped were not being replaced when converting to reference links
Better handling of default options set in config
More expansive detection of screen width, no longer just dependent on tput being available
Only extend borders and backgrounds on code blocks to the length of the longest line
Include the language in the top border of code blocks, if available
Validate themes and lexers using pygmentize output, with fallbacks
If width specified in config is greater than display columns, fall back to display columns as max width
Metadata (MMD/YAML) handling on TaskPaper files
Re-order command line options for more readable help output (mdless -h)
Highlight [[wiki links]]
TaskPaper rendering refinements
Handle TaskPaper tasks without project if –taskpaper is enabled
Wiki link highlighting is optional with --[no-]wiki-links and can be set in config
Nil error on short files
Project regex matching - PROJECT NAME:
If taskpaper is true, avoid all parsing other than tasks, projects, notes, and tags
Image rendering with chafa improved, still have to figure out a way to make sure content breaks around the embedded image
Only detect mmd headers on first line
Render links as reference links at the end of the file (--links ref) or per-paragraph (--links para). Defaults to inline (--links inline)
Pad numbers on headline listing to preserve indentation
Render links as reference links at the end of the file (--links ref) or per-paragraph (--links para). Defaults to inline (--links inline)
Pad numbers on headline listing to preserve indentation
Better highlighting of metadata (both YAML and MMD)
False MMD metadata detection
Rely on Redcarpet for Markdown parsing, far more accurate with a few losses I’ll handle over time
Config file at ~/.config/mdless/config.yml
Allow inlining of footnotes
Nested list indentation
Comments inside of fenced code rendering as ATX headlines
Improved code block parsing and handling
Allow multiple sections with -s 3,4,5
Errors in Ruby 3.2
Errant pager output
Allow $ markers for equations
Don’t force white foreground when resetting color (allow default terminal color to be foreground
Reset color properly when span elements are used in list items
Code block border wrapping
Use template settings for all footnote highlights
Errant pager output1.0.13
Fix for tables being eaten at the end of a document
Fix for regex characters in headlines breaking rendering
Catch error when breaking pipe
Improved table formatting
Force rewrite of damaged themes
Add iTerm marks to h1-3 when using iTerm and no pager, so you can navigate with ⌘⇧↑/↓
Fresh theme write was outputting --- default instead of a theme
Better code span color
If bat is the pager, force into --plain mode
Stop adjusting for highest header
Sort options order in --help output
Allow multiple theme files, --theme=NAME option
Handle emphasis inside of quotes and parenthesis
Make emphasis themeable in mdless.theme
Fix for -I throwing error if imgcat isn’t installed
remove backslash from escaped characters
Fix for header listing justification
Exclude horizontal rules --- in header list
Just a version bump because I think it deserves it at this point.
User themeable
Handle Setex headers
General fixes and improvements
Don’t run pygments on code blocks without language specified in either the fence or a hashbang on the first line
Fix to maintain indentation for fenced code in lists
Remove leading ~ for code blocks
Add background color
Add line ending marker to make more sense of code wrapping
lowercase code block fences
remove “end code” marker
Highlight with monokai theme
Black background for all (fenced) code blocks
Better language detection for code blocks
when available, use italic font for italics and bold-italics emphasis