I just published a couple of new features to mdless this morning: strikethrough and GitHub emoji support.

You can now use ~~text~~ formatting, and if your terminal supports strikethrough text, it will be displayed as such. You can control formatting and colors by adding deletion to your theme file, which by default is ~/.config/mdless/default.theme:

deletion: strikethrough red

I also added support for GitHub emojis, e.g. :smile: for 😁 and :umbrella: for ☂️. I can’t guarantee full compatibility, but a vast number of emoji are covered. Enough that VS Code choked on the list and I had to open the trusty BBEdit, which is an absolute champ at handling large files. Emoji support in mdless is enabled by default and requires no configuration changes.

That’s it, but if you use mdless, especially for reading GitHub files, I think you’ll appreciate the additions. Just use gem install mdless to update!