Giveaway Robot with Timing icon

I’m excited to offer the next giveaway, a 1-year subscription ($108 value) for Timing. I use Timing daily and it’s helped me automatically track time that I would never have had the discipline to manage on my own. Billable hours, time I spend on personal projects, time I spend gaming, pretty much anything I do on my Mac, my iPhone, or my iPad gets tracked and I can easily categorize based on rules (that are as easy as dragging and dropping to generate). I even integrated it with Doing for adding depth to my “What Was I Doing” tracking.

From the developer:

Just keep focusing on your work while Timing records your time automatically, then review your time when you want to. Record time faster than ever with just a few clicks. See when you worked on what and how productive you were.

Timing screenshot

Check out the Timing site for more info.

Sign up below to enter. A winner will be randomly drawn on Friday, October 06, at 12pm Central. The drawing is for a 1-year subscription ($108 value) for Timing. Note that if you’re reading this via RSS, you’ll need to visit this post on to enter!

Sorry, this giveaway has ended.

Stay tuned for more giveaways every week through April (and maybe beyond).

If you have an app you’d love to see featured in this series of giveaways, let me know. Also be sure to sign up for the mailing list so you can be the first to know about these!