I posted an update on iTextEditors yesterday, and got a great response from people adding to and updating the list. This inspired me to finally add a couple of new criteria (that didn’t even exist when the original chart was created): Document Provider support and Split Screen support.

I had previously started to compile a list of apps supporting these features with the help of a few field testers, but the list of apps has changed significantly since then and I need some help with updating. If you look at the list, you’ll see most of the apps listed with a question mark in those columns. If you browse it and happen to know that an app does or does not support either feature, please let me know. And I’ll tell you what, you don’t even have to use the submission form in this case (though you’re still welcome to, and absolutely should if you’re submitting a new app). You can just let me know (via Twitter or the contact form) the name of the app and yes or no for one or both of those criteria.

Thanks for the help!