Cammeleon is an app that gives you the worry-free ability to send and share photos hidden in plain sight, private and encrypted. As photos have become an extension of the way we communicate on a daily basis, we feel it is a necessity to ensure that everyone has the tools at their disposal to maintain their privacy.
Cammeleon is an app that seamlessly allows you to hide your pictures on your phone and other devices. It uses state-of-the-art technology to hide one picture inside another picture, allowing you to send the picture (with the other picture hidden inside) via your favorite messaging apps. To view the hidden picture, the recipient simply needs to open it with their instance of Cammeleon. It’s that simple.
Right now we’re running an IndieGogo campaign to help support the development of the next version. The upcoming features include even more security, fingerprint and facial recognition, updated encryption, and improved integration with existing messaging apps. Backing the campaign means you’ll be the first to receive the latest and greatest, and access to private versions you can run on your own servers. Check out the campaign here!