Thanks to Andreas Zeitler and the Trading Cryptocurrencies video course for sponsoring this week!
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Liecoin, or Ripple, have seen an unprecedented gain in interest this year. Some websites claim 600% more users.1 And the total amount of money put into cryptocurrencies is now $114,000,000,000, up $37,500,000,000 since May 1st.2
And this is all happening at the same time where the typical bank gives us less and less interest on our hard earned money.
The question for you should be: where would you like to put your money?
Being frustrated myself with traditional investments, I turned to crypto. They say “never set more than you’re willing to lose,” so I started small. Really, really small. $5 was what I didn’t want to lose. These 5 bucks turned into over $500 in roughly three months. (If you don’t believe me, check out my public portfolio.) This means that I doubled about every 20 days. I can’t fake these numbers!
I cannot guarantee anyone the same gains. No one can. But I’m giving you the most important indicators so that you can do this by yourself.
My goal with my video courses is to give people a head start. Trading Cryptocurrencies is divided into three main parts: Beginner, Advanced, and Pro. I carefully picked topics for each and every stage in the trading game, and answer the most important questions at the right time. This way you get a broad overview of the topic in general, and a deep dive on only those topics that I think are especially important. For everything else, I made sure to leave annotations in the video where necessary. This way you can decide which topic you want to pick up by yourself and investigate further. There’s also an additional PDF containing a list of the most important books and videos recommended by my group of trusted traders, plus links for everything mentioned in the video.
The video is easy to consume and is downloaded in one high-quality file. Technically, the course is a Full HD MP4 with chapter markers. With these you can easily skip to the chapters that excite you the most.
To make this sponsorship even better, I want to give every subscriber of this blog a little discount! You get 5% off on checkout with the code brett-5off!
If you have any questions regarding the blockchain and cryptocurrency field, do not hesitate to get in touch with me! I’m open to your questions, even if they’re not directly related to trading.