Thanks to the cross-platform productivity app iMindQ for sponsoring this week.

What is iMindQ?

To quickly summarize, iMindQ is the tool to inject instant productivity into your daily activities. With a smooth and flexible user interface, and vast array of mapping opportunities including mind maps, concept maps, flowcharts, WBS charts, organizational charts and other types of diagrams, iMindQ is the solution to clarify your thoughts, start your project plan and get the creative boost you need.

Inspire your inner creativity and brainstorm better

iMindQ is the perfect tool for single or group brainstorming. Being a technique that closely replicates the way our minds are wired mind maps are the best way to improve creativity. Next time you are brainstorming make sure you have iMindQ in front of you, and visualize your idea developing into a mind map which contains the solution you are looking for somewhere in its subtopics. Using iMindQ in your company’s brainstorming sessions will ensure your team members understand the topics which are up for debate, participate evenly and leave the session with unified meeting notes.

Go from Concepts to Action Plans

As soon as your group finishes the brainstorm sessions, iMindQ will help you organize your meeting notes and connect the ideas that collate with each other. As soon as you have set the goals into a sequential strategic plan, you can use iMindQ to create tasks, deadlines and resources for your action plans, and monitor the progress as the project develops.

Add Flexibility to your Project Planning

iMindQ also brings good news for project managers: you can turn your Mind Map into a Project Plan by creating a WBS from your deliverables and visually analyse the outcome using Gantt chart view. Communicating information with mind maps will ensure that the project team will understand the project plan and avoid the misunderstandings that can occur from working with different software solutions. Project managers can create a master mind map with all project related information to avoid document cluttering and never miss important information.

Coming Soon iMindQ 6.1 – The First and Only Mind Mapping software with SharePoint and SharePoint Online integration

With the next scheduled release, iMindQ 6.1 will bring new benefits for business users. Including integration with SharePoint and SharePoint Online, users will collaborate even more easily Microsoft’s most famous platform, or its in-house solution. iMindQ 6.1 adds Spanish, German, and French as supported languages so users from these countries can mind map in their native language. Following the Mac application guidelines iMindQ 6.1 will also come with integration with the native speller for Mac OS.

To start mind mapping with iMindQ, get a Free Trial or purchase it on the Mac App Store.

To add more flexibility and mobility to your mind mapping get iMindQ Online or iMindQ for iOS and start creating mind maps on the web, or on your iPhone/iPad device.