Some posts of interest from the last week:

Sponsor: OmniFocus 2 for Mac (May 22nd)
A big thanks to Omni for sponsoring this week. OmniFocus 2 has a lot to offer!
Markdown: here, let me show you (May 23rd)
My video tutorial on Markdown is available now, check the post for a discount code!
Because it’s my day off: just breathe (May 26th)
My plecostomus fish was enjoying memorial day, so I made a video. It’s goofy, but I like it.
Mirror your MindMeister maps to nvALT (May 27th)
This is how I’m brainstorming lately. Mind map on, then sync down to Markdown notes for easy searching and reference. Pretty nerdy, but you might find it useful.
Systematic 98 with Brett Kelly (May 27th)
A great chat with an old friend. Check it out.

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