This might be a cockamamy scheme, but I’m taking auditions for an upcoming Systematic guest. I’m looking for people who:

  1. are good at what they do
  2. have interesting (by their own definition) thoughts on technology in their work
  3. are permissive of rambling questions
  4. are between the ages of 9 and 103
  5. can make Skype calls between 8 am and 9pm CST (-0600)

Bonus points if you own a decent headset or microphone/headphone combination.

You have 5 minutes to wow me. Go!

Here’s how I’m running this. I figure if you want to be on a podcast, you probably have the means to record a 2-5 minute clip introducing yourself and grabbing my attention with your savage wit or heartening story. Record at “internet quality,” no big fancy files needed. You can do it with Voice Recorder on your iPhone, QuickTime Player, or call a friend on Skype and ask them to record you. It’s all good.

Once you have a clip, head over to and type “Systematic” into the field. Then, enter your name and an email I can reach you at. You have the option to add a note, and feel free. Once you click the “Choose file and upload button” and select your recording, it will all be whisked away to a private server and I’ll get a notification.

To summarize…

  1. Record 2-5 minutes of you talking about yourself and your interests
  2. Upload the clip with your info at

I make no promises at all. This could be a bust, or I could be overwhelmed with very worthy potential guests. I just want to try it, and hopefully meet some new people along the way.