<source srcset="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7446.jpg 1x, https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7446.jpg 2x" />
<img class="alignright" data-original="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.7446.jpg" data-at2x="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo@2x.7446.jpg" src="https://cdn3.brettterpstra.com/uploads/2012/10/systematiclogo.jpg" alt="Systematic logo" title="Systematic logo" />
</picture>](http://5by5.tv/systematic/37 "Systematic Episode 37 - Jonathan Snook")
I was extremely happy to host Jonathan Snook (a.k.a. “Snook”) on Systematic today. I’ve been following his work for over a decade, and it was great to chat with him about career paths, using Github as a portfolio and some great top picks for web developers (and Archer fans).
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to podcasting, from planning through editing and publishing, The Successful Podcasting courses from Aaron Dowd are now available as a part of a subscription to seanwes.com. $99/month gets you access to Successful Podcasting, the Logic and GarageBand courses, and a whole bunch of other great courses on seanwes.com. If you want to expand your skills, check it out!