The developers of Listary contacted me about working on some nvALT integration of their Simplenote-compatible iPhone app for creating lists that sync across any device or machine. I found the app cool enough that it’s definitely worth a mention here.
It’s a simple concept: you create lists and sync them as plain text with Simplenote. It works similarly to TaskPaper; there’s a plain-text format for creating and checking off list items, but within the app you have a full GUI. You can use it for task lists, grocery lists, tracking movies you want to watch… whatever you’d normally keep in a list. Then it gets tagged as “Listary” and synced to Simplenote.
When using Listary on the iPhone, you get features for adding and deleting items, manipulating order and checking off list items. Grab your list with nvALT or any Simplenote client (including the web app) and you can edit it as plain text, and your changes show up back in Listary. Nice.
Listary is built for the iPhone, costs $2.99 and is available in the iTunes App Store.