If you use Skype and happen to be as clumsy as I am, you may have run into this at some point: you see a call come in, you fumble for your headset, you go back to your mouse, find the cursor on your big screen and then try to click the “Answer” button on the call window… only to miss the call because you took too long. I solved this for myself a while back, and thought I’d share my solution.
It’s a fairly simple AppleScript that requires nothing but Skype. It will make good use of Growl if you have it installed, but it’s only needed for visual feedback; the script will function fine without it. I use Spark to trigger it, but you can use any kind of launcher that can run AppleScripts. If Spark isn’t your cup of tea, definitely check out FastScripts. Ultimately, you just need to assign the following script to a hotkey…
The script
global _proc
global use_growl
tell application "System Events" to set _proc to name of processes as list
if _proc contains "GrowlHelperApp" then
set use_growl to true
my growlRegister()
set use_growl to false
end if
if _proc contains "Skype" then
tell application "Skype"
set calls to send command "SEARCH ACTIVECALLS" script name "AnsweringScript"
set callID to last word of calls
if callID is not "CALLS" then
set status to send command "GET CALL " & callID & " STATUS" script name "AnsweringScript"
if last word of status is "RINGING" then
send command "ALTER CALL " & callID & " ANSWER" script name "AnsweringScript"
my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "Answering call")
send command "ALTER CALL " & callID & " HANGUP" script name "AnsweringScript"
my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "Hanging up")
end if
my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "No call found to answer or hang up")
end if
end tell
my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "Skype not detected")
end if
using terms from application "GrowlHelperApp"
on growlRegister()
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
register as application "SkypeAnswer" all notifications {"Alert"} default notifications {"Alert"} icon of application "Skype.app"
end tell
end growlRegister
on growlNotify(grrTitle, grrDescription)
if use_growl is true then
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
notify with name "Alert" title grrTitle description grrDescription application name "SkypeAnswer"
end tell
end if
end growlNotify
end using terms from
Open this script in your Script Editor
In an app like Spark, I can just paste the source into a new command and assign a hotkey. If you’re running a launcher that needs file input, just open the source in your AppleScript Editor and save it as an .scpt file, then point to that.
The script basically looks at current calls in Skype, and if a call is ringing or in progress, it takes the appropriate action (answers if it’s ringing, hangs up if it’s in progress). If no calls are happening, it will just exit (with a little whimper via Growl). Put it on an easy-to-hit keyboard shortcut and you’ll be able to grab your headset and answer a call faster than, well… faster than I’ve ever managed to without it.