Back in 2014 I created a little app that generates custom PopClip extensions. It broke on 10.13, so I’m updating it for the latest OS.
macos, popclip, popmaker
Because I’ve written about WALTR 2 previously, I wanted to mention it’s on sale with a 30% discount right now. WALTR 2 is the insanely fast tool for getting video and audio in any format (including FLAC and 4K) from your Mac to your iOS device’s audio/video collections. It works over USB or WiFi with just a drag and drop for automatic conversion and transfer.
Ooh, scary. The latest round of updates to iTextEditors saw a significantly higher number of deletions than additions. A purge of the chart to match The App Store Purge. Sad to see almost 20 editors go, but the list is trimmer now, and the good ones are easier to spot. Happy Halloween.
As part of my continuing “Bash Fun” series, I have a few more tricks for Terminal junkies. These work in Bash and Zsh, and probably elsewhere.
bash, terminal, unix
I missed my yoga class this morning due to an upset stomach. I want to take a minute here while it’s giving me a break to talk about why I don’t like missing yoga.
health, personal, yoga
A while back I started working on a tool for debugging in Bash scripts. I basically just wanted a shorthand for using the command in Bash. Logr has grown over time, so I thought I’d share it as a project. It’s a work in progress, really, and I’m very open to suggestions.
bash, cli, logr, terminal, unix
I’ve updated iTunesIcon, my little Automator App for grabbing the high res versions of iOS and MAS app icons directly from iTunes. Version 2.2 had proven a bit buggy after some minor search API changes.
ios, iphone, itunesicon, macos, scripting, search
Last week I started having issues on High Sierra that I couldn’t resolve. Hours spent in Activity Monitor, Console, and surfing StackExchange sites led me to no further clues. The primary issue was increasingly frequent hang times, which led to horrible Skype calls, long waits in photo editing apps, and a general inability to use my MacBook Pro.
macos, quicktip
Flexibits just released their new Mac contact management app, Cardhop. I’ve been beta testing this app for a bit and it immediately became as much a part of my workflow as Fantastical (not coincidentally also by Flexibits), which is an app I use all day, every day.
appreview, apps, macos