Get your Macstock 2018 ticket yet?

Hey, did I mention I’m speaking at Macstock in July? Yeah, I did. The speaker lineup is finalized, and it’s great. There are a couple of old friends of mine speaking that I’m excited to both hear and catch up with: App Camp For Girls founder Jean MacDonald and TUAW alum Kelly Guimont. You can also catch informative and entertaining talks from keynote speaker Bob LeVitus (a.k.a. Dr. Mac), Adam Christianson, Dave Ginsburg, Mike Schmitz, Chuck Joiner, Guy Serle, Tim Robertson… conference, macstock

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Men’s yoga apparel: a Yoga Nerd Review

I haven’t posted many pictures of late, but I’ve really stuck with the yoga thing. I had to add in some more resistance workouts to balance out my “push” and “pull” muscles, but I’m getting… what do the kids say? Swole? As close to it as I’ve ever been, anyway. apparel, health, personal, yoga

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